Tf)e 12cw)3ot[l ^res^ferian. fo ORDER OF SERVICES. HAVELOCK STREET. Sunday—10.15 a.m. ...... 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m. 2.30 p.m. ...... Prayer Meeting Preaching School Communion—First Sunday in the month. Monday—7.15 p.m.... 8.15 p.m.... Tuesday—6.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m.... 8.30 p.m. Wednesday—3.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. Thursday—7.30 p.m. Prayer Meeting Literary Society Band of Hope Teachers' Class ... Bible Class Dorcas Society Church Meeting. Singing Practice Boys' Brigade CAERLEON ROAD. Sunday—11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m....... Preaching 2.30 p. m............. School 3—4 p.m. ...... Adult Bible Class 6 p.m. ... ...... Open Air Service Communion—Last Sunday in the month. Monday—7.30 p.m. ...... Prayer Meeting 8.30 p.m... Y.P.S. Christian Endeavour Tuesday—7 p.m......... Band of Hope 8 p.m. " Hope of Maindee " Good Templar Lodge Wednesday—7.30 p.m....... Church Meeting 8.30 p.m. ... ... Choir Practice Thursday—3 p.m..........Mothers* Meeting 7.30 p.m. ... ... Boys'Brigade Saturday - 8 p.m. ... ... Pleasant Saturday Nights MONTHLY NOTES. (December, 1895.) v «r-;>>.¥'ITH this number we close our first year's III work. We are free to confess that our \^\J expectations have not been fully realised ; V but, all things considered, our venture has not been a failure. We had hoped that greater support would have been given us, and yet it may be that we hoped too much. To those kind friends who have helped us, we tender our most sincere thanks, and they can rest assured that their willing kindness has been the mainstay of our year's work. From testimonies received, we have reason to believe that our work has met a long-felt demand, and, therefore, in spite of some disappointments and of many shortcomings, we are pleased to think that our work has not been altogether in vain. * * Through the kind help, financial and literary, of a number of frieuds, we are able to announce that the Magazine will be continued, and we hope to profit by past experience and to produce better work than ever. One generous friend, whose name we are not at liberty to publish, has undertaken the whole charge of our advertising department, and from this source we hope to derive substantial financial help. If we had a dozen willing helpers of this stamp, our magazine would soon become a great power. Our friends have promised literary help, and we hope our programme for the New Year will be more varied and more interesting than it has been. We invite our readers to cooperate with us in this respect. We shall be glad if the Secretaries of our several departments and agencies will send us short paragraphs, containing information respecting their work. Sunday School News would always be interesting ; hut we have not yet received a single paragraph from our School Secretaries. The same is true of our Band of Hope, our Literary Society, our Band of Help, our Dorcas Society, and our Boys' Brigade Companies. All these secretaries should help us by communicating monthly reports of the work which their several departments are doing. Will they please render us this help next year ? It would make our columns richer, and would also put our Church work more prominently before the public. * * During the month we shall be making preparations for our New Year's work. Nominations, elections, appointments, and arrangements will keep us busy. No words of ours can fully express the importance of wise 'arrangements. One bad appointment may destroy the year's work. May we all seek humbly the counsel and guidance of the Holy Spirit, so that we may not err. The right man in the right place — be this our motto. Let all respect of persons, all cliquish favouritism, be firmly set aside. With a single eye to God's glory, let us endeavour to know His will and way. Let us listen to Eis voice, " Arise, aiioitU Him, for this is lie." * * There is, first of all, the Sunday School. Our two schools are doing excellent work, and we congratulate the two Superintendents upon the results of their efforts thus far. There are one or two suggestions we should wish to offer them. They can take them for what they are worth. (1). Would it not bd advisable to take up the Lessons of our own Connexional Union, instead of the International System ? Apart from Con¬ nexional loyalty, we have no doubt whatever of the greater fitness of the Connexional system. The scrappy, slipshod, disconnected system of the London Union is so clearly condemned by its own imperfections