^^c 12ewpoi[f j?res6yferian. MONTHLY NOTES. (September, 1895.) IN our religious world the great event of the month tribute to God's work, has been the laying of the Foundation Stone at Caerleon Road. To obtain the gracious services of Lord Tredegar for the performance of this ceremony was, undoubtedly, a step in the right direc¬ tion, and we are all indebted to Mr. Reynolds for interesting himself so deeply to secure it. As our readers will see from an account in another column, the ceremony passed off with complete success. There was no hitch of any kind. His Lordship was in the best of moods, and seemed to be quite at home among his Nonconformist friends. If we are correctly in¬ formed, this was the first occasion upon which he has laid the Foundation Stone of a Nonconformist chapel within the town of Newport. The day was therefore an event in his history no less than in ours. It will certainly be beneficial all round to have him and his Nonconformist friends draw nearer in religious life and work. That is the sort of thing which heaven calls Christian self-denial. That is the " mind " that was in Jesus. The amount collected has now reached £210. Some of our members have been generous and liberal beyond words. We do not care to mention names ; but surely we cannot do wrong in referring to one or two friends whose genorosity has been great and unceasing. The name of Mr. Reynolds is synonymous with large- heartedness. He has helped the new cause at Caerleon Road from its first start with all faithfulness and liberality. He has given money, time, and speech towards the work. In company with him, we must mention Mr. George Wright, whose energetic services have been the mainstay of the cause. We know what a wrench it was for him to leave Havel ock Street at the first; but in the interests of Christian work he sacrificed his own feelings and went out to the new and unknown enterprise. Both these friends must now feel something of the Great Master's repayment rejoicing their generous hearts, when they see how their well-spent efforts have brought success. Well- known also is the liberality of Mrs, Mann. We know how profound an interest she has taken in the pros¬ perity of Havelock Street and latterly in the new work at Caerleon Road. She is never appealed to in vain. While we have among us open-hearted Christian women of her kind, we can venture upon great things. * # The list of promises as given on the Foundation Stone is now before us. The rich man's name is on it, with his gift out of his abundance. The widow's mite is here too. There are in the list several names and gifts that are of greater value than all the gold of Peru. They are evidence of great self-sacrifice, that consecra¬ tion of all one's goods which is rarer and richer than words can tell. There is Mr.------, for instance. His weekly income is counted, not by pounds, but by shillings ; but look at his subscription. There is M r. -----alao. He has had several disappointments and reverses lately ; but he will retrench in his personal and domestic expenses, in order to be able to con- The list is also wonderful by the conspicuous absence of several well-known names. We believe several friends who are now away from home will yet favour us with their promises, and this will swell the total very considerably. Our friend Mr. David Jenkins, who is always so very liberal, has not yet returned home, and we look to him with every confidence for an honourable addition to our list. We are glad to hear that his stay at Llandrindod is renewing his strength. Another generous contributor is away—Mr, C. H. Bailey. When all these will have returned, we hope the list will rapidly run up to £300. But what of others who are now at home and have not yet con¬ tributed ? We do most earnestly hope that they will not hang back. God's work is man's first call. His claim is supreme. Another feature of the list is the generosity of some of our young people. Miss Hazell, Miss Janie Reynolds, Mr. Gunn, Mr. Compton, Mr. M. H. Griffiths, Mr, Arthur Wright, Mr. Macpherson, and others—how well they have come out to the help of the Lord. The four collectors, Miss Jenkins, Miss Mann, Miss Budd, and Miss Macdougall, have also done remarkably well, as will be seen in another column. When the spirit of liberality and self-denial falls upon our young people, our future is bound to be very bright. May we ask all our young people to follow this fine example ? If every young man were to lay aside half-a-crown a week from to-day up to next March, his donation would amount to Three Guineas ! If unable to spare that amount, a shilling a,week would produce nearly Thirty Shillings ! Now, is there any one who cannot do that ? Come, young men, sacrifice, and your reward will be great. * * Our ever-willing friend, Madame Brython Thomas, has undertaken to get up a Concert in aid of the Caer¬ leon Road Building Fund. When we see enthusiasm of this kind, we feel prepared to dare anything. It is just the most inspiring thing in the world. It is the cold, callous indifference that is killing. May the Spirit of Christ fill our churches with enthusiasm. * * Our thanks are due to many kind friends outside our own churches who have helped handsomely. Permit us to name His Worship the Mayor, Mr. Edwin Grove, Mr. T. H. Howell, Mr. Mark Mordey, and Dr. G. A. Davies, whose names appear in our lists. We know that we have the sympathy of a multitude of friends in the work which we are endeavouring to do. Such sympathy is bound to tell for good. Others, we have reason to know, are yet to follow. Whtn all is gathered, we believe the Opening Day Collections will realise something over £500. With all our heart we pray, May God grant it.