©^c 12ewpot[f £res6Yfcrian. MONTHLY NOTES. (August, 1895). m7^/t)\ E desire to call attention to the letter I l I written by Mr- Jenkins, which appears V^^J in another page. Mr. Jenkins can well \ afford to magnify the grace of God who hath done unto him such great things, and we all rejoice with him in the retrospect. The results are most gratifying, beyond the most sanguine anticipa- pation. Behold indeed what God hath wrought! Let all the members of our churches thank God daily for His bountiful mercy. Let this be a portion of our worship—an earnest acknowledgment of God's par¬ ticular blessing upon us. Give to Him the glory due unto His name. It is His doing, His power, His work, His blessing. Under God we owe the success of the work to the ability and the earnestness of Mr. Jenkins. He is the right man in the right place. He has taken to his work with an aptitude that marks him out as a true minister of the Gospel, and has laboured through the year with that unvarying devotion which the Gospel both creates and deserves. We know that he has won the love of all his people. His praise is in their hearts as well as on their lips. It is not too much to say that he has ended his first year with every token of solid success. The opening of the year promised much ; the close of the year has fulfilled even more. If Mr. Jenkins will remain in Caerleon Road another twelve months, he will see a very rich harvest to his first year's sowing. Successful labour of this kind deserves every en¬ couragement, and we rejoice to find that Mr. Jenkins receives it. His many friends rally round him nobly. Such fine loyalty is bound to bring a rich return. And now that the new chapel is under way, the sphere will widen, and the opportunities will grow. The new chapel will bring out all the fine qualities of this united Christian church. Even now indeed they are being revealed. Minister and members are uniting in a brave effort to present a good front on the day when the Foundation Stone will be laid. In our last number we ventured to appeal to them upon this matter. The appeal has been received with kindness, and the result is already manifest. The Foundation Stone will doubtless bear the weight of a handsome collection. It will be " well and truly laid " in the love and generosity of a self-denying people. In order to make the Foundation Stone Collection worthy of the cause, it is hoped that all our members will lend a willing hand of help. In the United Church Meeting held last Thursday, it was resolved that every member be asked to solicit promises towards the Building Fund, such promises to be redeemed on or before the Opeking Day, early in the New Year. This arrangement ought to work well. If the springs of liberality in our churches will all be tapped, the Debt will be reduced considerably. Now, readers of the Newport Presbyterian, members of Havelock Street and Caerleon Road churches, followers of Jesus Christ, here is our opportunity. In the name of Him whom we serve, and in the interests of our own Christian work, let us use our opportunity '• as becometh saints." Whatever we shall give now, will be given to Jesus Christ, and will certainly come back again bearing interest at the rate of heaven's per¬ centage. * * Our appeal to the Home Mission Committee has not been in vain. Although the Funds of the Society are not sufficient to meet all the demands, and while some applications were perforce refused, it is highly satisfactory to find that the sum of £30 has been granted towards the work in Caerleon Road. Our claims were set before the Committee by Mr. John Davies, whose speech was a model of what such speeches ought to be. His appeal was backed by several members of the Committee, whose words showed that our work in Newport is keenly watched by a multitude of eyes. The Committee was roused to enthusiasm, and the grant was made, not merely with unanimity, but even with great warmth. It is evident that the heart of the Connexion is with us. Let us not despair or flag in our efforts. The Con¬ nexion is behind us, and will not allow our efforts to fail. ..„ °... This Connexional sympathy is an unspeakable encouragement. But it brings also a responsibility. If we have attracted the especial notice of the leaders of our Connexion, if our efforts have enlisted the sympathy of our best men and our highest courts, then, what if we fail to go yet forward in the future ? The fierce light of publicity is upon us. Our friends on all hands are anxiously watching us, praying that the grace of perseverance may be given us. Those who are not our friends are also watching, furtively hoping that our arms will get feeble and our efforts fail. Let us, there¬ fore, be steadily persistent in our work, so that our friends may rejoice, and our work prosper more and more. ♦ * Our prayers should now include especial petitions on behalf of our long-tried brother, Mr. John Walters, and his family. He has been severely proved, and it is joy, indeed, to fiud that the probation has worked patience, and that patience has worked rich experience. Experience has also brought hope—the hope which maketh not ashamed, but is an anchor within the veil.