life Hewpotff £rcs6yicrian. MONTHLY NOTES. (June, IT is now six months since the first number of our Magazine was issued. It may be well, perhaps, to review our six months' work, and to let our readers know where we stand. From testi¬ monies received, we find that the Magazine is valued highly, and that its appearance from month to month is eagerly expected. The circulation has been increas¬ ing very satisfactorily, and we have every reason to believe that it will continue to do so. Financially, we are net so hopeful. We are anxious to make the Magazine pay its way, so that it may not draw a single penny out of the Church Funds ; but as the expenses of publication are heavy, it will not be easy to do so. Have we any friends that will give us financial help ? Donations will be thankfully received and duly ac¬ knowledged, and at the end of the year we shall draw up a Balance Sheet, showing our position after twelve months' work. Our readers will readily understand that it is not a small task to get together the materials month by month for the Magazine. In fact, it becomes more and more difficult to do so. Amid a multiplicity of various duties that devolve upon us, it is extremely difficult to find leisure enough fcr good editorial work, and we should be very glad therefore if some of our readers were to help us. Will those who have "the pen of the ready writer'' use it in our aid ? Short articles or notes of general interest will be a grateful help. Next year, God sparing us, we hope to hand over the charge of the Magazine to a new Editor. There are in our churches several gifted members who could do this work admirably, and it will be well to ask them to undertake it. We had hoped to present in this number a Balance Sheet of the Tea and Concert on the 9th of May. We have every reason to believe that the proceeds will reach a substantial figure. Those who took part in the arrangements deserve to be congratulated on the success which was so nobly attained. It is perhaps a question whether the immense labour which they undertook was adequately compensated, even by golden proceeds. The elaborate arrangements, the manifold worries, the toil and turmoil of a Public Tea, the heavy expenses —are they compensated ? To those, however, who did throw themselves so heartily into the work, most cordial thanks are due. The Annual Tea at Llanmartin, held on the 30th of May, was undoubtedly a great success. The weather was superb, and those who drove out from town had the indescribable delight of a day in the " lovely l?nd of Usk and Wye." What a knack of tea-making the Llanmartin folk have acquired ! " Delicious," "Am¬ brosial," "glorious," "spiffing,"—those were some of 1895). the enthusiastic comments we heard. The meeting in the evening was of a very high character, and the earnest addresses will surely be an inspiration to the faithful ark-bearers at Llanmartin. Most heartily do we congratulate Mr. Reynolds on his election to the office of Superintendent of Havelock Street School. His genius for work is known to all, and we look forward to a period of very bright pros¬ perity. We offer likewise our congratulations to the Rev. Edgar Williams, M.A., B.D., on his election to the Superintendentship of Caerleon Road School. With such a gifted leader, our work "beyond the river " will flourish more than ever. May the God of all grace sustain these two brethren in the noble work- to which they are now called. * * Having thus provided so happily for our Sunday School, can we not again secure a suitable Super¬ intendent for our Band of Hope in Havelock Street ? It would be invidious to mention names ; but there are three or four names that we are tempted to place before our readers. With the right man to lead, with a staff of faithful officers and helpers, we are confident that the Havelock Street Band of Hope can be made as successful as any in the town. It is no exaggeration to say that there is extraordinary talent among the youngsters of Baneswell. If this were now trained, the ranks of Christian workers would receive very considerable strength. We understand the Caerleon Road Band continues to flourish. What a pleasure it must be to see the children grow up in virtue and sobriety, rooted and grounded in the love of Jesus and His work. We understand that the Cardiff Forward Movement Committee, under the direction of the Rev. John Pugh, have decided to open a centre in Newport. We have received no official intimation of their plans, nor are we quite clear as to the position which they mean to assume. What our readers will say to this action we do not know ; but we have no hesitation whatever in saying that it is very discourteous and unkind, and calculated to lead to some unpleasant results. Time, however, will show. Our work in the past has been richly blessed, and we have a strong faith that our future will be better still. * * The Sunday School Treat passed off well Not for many years, if ever, have we had a more enjoyable day. It was a gladsome sight to see the hundreds of children and adults all in the most joyous mood, and bent with one accord upon mirth and music together. To behold the sight was enjoyment itself. How many- were there on the field ? Would five hundred be the correct number ? Surely our forces are increasing beyond all anticipation.