!)f)e 12ewpoi[f ^restiyierian. MONTHLY NOTES. (May, 1895). 0UR challenge in our last issue has been accepted. As will be seen in another column, some of our readers have sent in paragraphs of religious news, and it is pleasing to think that we have such a Dumber of readers who observe intelligently the course of events in the religious world, and are able to record their observations with such excellent diction and style. We now invite these friends to send us from time to time any paragraphs of religious news which they may deem likely to interest our readers generally. * * The Conference on "Sabbath Observance," held on Monday, the 1st April, was in many ways disappoint¬ ing. The subject for discussion was not the general question of the Sabbath as a Divine institution, but the particular mode of observing it in Havelock Street and Caerleon Road. The majority of the speakers took up the former and avoided the latter. They were, therefore, wide of the mark, and their otherwise excellent observations did not fit the occasion. One suggestion, however, has been adopted and is now in practice—the Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting. If our members in Havelock Street will attend this meet¬ ing faithfully, it will soon prove its usefulness by the increased power of the ministry. We were cheered beyond measure by the loyalty of the Conference to the pulpit and to preaching. A strong pulpit is absolutely necessary to a strong church. By common consent, the Conversazione on the 8th of April was A 1. Excellent catering, tasteful decora¬ tions, a good programme, a companionable gathering— these combined to make the meeting most enjoyable. And thus was wound up the fourth Sessiou of our Literary Society. Those who were present expressed with great warmth their love for the Society, their appreciation of its work, and their desire for its con¬ tinuance. Next winter, God willing, we hope to see a stronger Society than ever. Caerleon Road also will form its own Society, and the arrangement of inter- society debates now and then will prove beneficial all round. If any of our readers are still asking, " Can any good come out of a Literary Society ?" we answer readily, "Come and see ! " * * Our readers will read with grateful gladness of the remarkable success at Caerleon Road. As recorded in another column, the work has outgrown the accommo¬ dation, and the friends are forced to seek larger room. God be praised ! This is indeed good news. It makes us all the more anxious to have the new chapel ready. WTith suitable accommodation, our brave brethren in Caerleon Road will do valiantly. In another five years they will have a strong church, doing vigorous service for the Lord. The plans of the new chapel are now complete. Tenders are to be invited immediately. And then to work ! Our readers will remember that in our January number we urged the opening of a school in Pill. For all we know, our remarks have produced no result whatever. Comment is needless. We have not for¬ gotten what pains had to be taken before the Maindee Mission could be started. It seems that the Pill Mission will not be started without similar pains. Will not some zealous friends take the matter up ? The crowded state of Havelock Street and the splendid opportunities of Pill are surely argument enough for strong, united, immediate action. If we were imbued with real missionary spirit, we should not be content to go with the many to Havelock Street and enjoy the services there. We should rather sacrifice the enjoy¬ ment and venture forth to new work. May the spirit of Christ move us. * * The 9th of May is now at hand. We hope the tickets are selling well, and that our mark of £50 will be reached. A crowded hall, a good tea, a superior concert, a united people—fo^these we look. Ebenezer, Havelock Street, and Caerleon Road—mother, daughter and grand-daughter—three generations of churches together ! Let all the people come. Let the old and the young, the rich and the poor, unite together. Remember the day and remember the mark—9th of May and £50. * * We heartily congratulate our friends in Caerleon Road upon their success in the recent Scholars' Exami¬ nation of the Sunday School Union. They have done splendidly. We have no figures at hand; but we know that a large number of certificates and at least two prizes were gained. Bravo ! Do not the teachers of Havelock Street blush for very shame ? * * If we were allowed to place our finger upon the weakest point in the work at Havelock Street now, we should not hesitate in placing it upon our work among the young. The average attendance in the Sunday School is low, and the organisation is far from efficient. The Band of Hope is not what it was in the days of Mr. Stephens. The Boys' Brigade has not been as strong this season as we have known it to be. The Children's Service has been more than a failure. Our church is becoming forgetful of its young. " The daughter of my people is become cruel, like the ostriches in the wilderness ; the young children ask bread, and no man breaketh it unto them." This is a matter of prime importance to us. The flock cannot thrive if the lambs are neglected. » c- We are very thankful to our friend who has sent us "Flashes of Thought." We hope to make use of them, as space will allow, in our future nun bers. The thought¬ ful kindness of our friend has touched us very much. e * Do not forget May the 9th.