<§£e 32ewpoj[f £res6Yierian. MONTHLY NOTES. (March, 1895). E are glad to report an increasing circulation. The new arrangements for the sale of our Magazine have proved thoroughly suc¬ cessful, and we anticipate that in two or three months hence the number of copies now published will not be large enough to meet the demand. The V February issue has been very well circulated. Com- "pared~with that of January, the increase may be called a leap forward. Another leap in March, and another in April, and our circulation will be more than doubled. Will our readers help our distributor towards this? * * Some of our readers have very kindly expressed their appreciation of our efforts. We should be glad if our space allowed us to publish the testimonies. They are most encouraging. " ^our Magazine has brought sun¬ shine to my life." "Many, many thanks for your monthly god-send—such a boon for a lonely lodger." " How helpful the cheery pages are ! " "I look for¬ ward to your next number with delight." These are extracts, and will serve to show how full of encourage¬ ment such seasonable testimonies are. * * We shall be glad if some of our readers will become occasional contributors. Our Magazine aims at making good writers as well as good readers. We shall give a book, value Half-a-Crown, to the writer of the most interesting paragraph for our next number. The paragraph must bear upon religious work (not neces¬ sarily local), and must be written on a post card, and sent, under an assumed name, not later than March 23rd, to the Rev. J. Glyn Davies, The Glyn, York Place. We reserve the right to use all the paragraphs sent in, whether they receive a prize or not. * # It is pleasing to find that our Band cf Help and Dorcas Society have been able to distribute relief to very many poor families during the distress of the last month. Gifts of clothing, food, and coal were distri¬ buted to the value of several pounds. Through the timely kindness of our friend, Mr. Bancroft, Charles Street, 50 quartern loaves of bread were given away last week to as many poor people. All applications that came before the Band of Help Committee were granted, and our readers will be gratified to know that the Band is doing such excellent work. The Secretary, Miss Campbell, will be glad to receive the names of persons willing to help. The New Church in Caerleon Road was formed on Tuesday evening, the 12th of February. Sixty four members were enrolled. Is not this encouraging ? A band of sixty four, if consecrated and united, can work marvels. May our brethren continue steadfastly in the sound doctrine of the gospel, in the loving fellowship of saints, in breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then will they convince the world that they are a God-formed Church, and the Lord will add to them such as shall be saved. During the last month Havelock Street has lost one of its oldest members, in the death of Mrs. Caines, of Bailey Street, which took place on Sunday morning, the 24th. Mrs. Caines was not a novice in faith or experience. She knew whom she had believed, and she could give with admirable clearness, a reason for the hope that was in her. Unobtrusive and very re¬ tiring, she was yet a useful member of her Church. She was an especially good listener of the Gospel, taking it as very Bread of Life to a hungry soul, mixing it with faith, and living many days in its strength. Her talk was always of her Saviour, her Bible, and her Church. May the Spirit of God give us others like her. As the Winter Session is now drawing to a close, what is the result of our winter's work ? It is im¬ possible to guage the work of a Church "after the cubits," however much statisticians and other foot rule men may try it. Spiritual work is spiritually discerned. At the same time, each Church can broadly judge its own work, and, for practical purposes, find out what measure of progress it is making. What have our Churches profited by this winter's work ? We press the question upon all the leaders in all our various classes and bands, and societies, and meetings. How many can report honest progress ? And how many, if honest, must report no progress ? We desire to call attention to a Sacred Concert which is to be given in Castleton in aid of our struggling Church there. For many years our friends have worked there against great difficulties, and it is wonderful how well they have kept together. This Concert is to be held on Tuesday evening, the 19th of March. Our ever-willing Precentor, Mr. G. P. Reynolds, has promised to take the matter in hand, and he will doubtless throw his great heart into it and make it a complete success. If our Churches in the town will thus help their weak sisters in the country, they will do a seasonable Christian deed. We have the constant enjoyment of good music. Why not pass the blessing on ? * * The above thought suggests another. Is it not possible to form a Glee Party or Musical Society in connection with our Churches? We have recently had several musical evenings of a very high order ; but there was not a single part-song of any kind. Solos and Duetts were plentiful; but where were the glees, or the anthems, or the choruses ? We throw out the suggestion. Perhaps our musical readers will take it up. It were well also if a Tonic Solfa class were formed, particularly for the purpose of training the splendid voices which are possessed by the boys and girls of our Sunday School and Band of Hope. This is worthy of attention.