A WEEKLY REVIEW OF ;P0LXIIC8, LITEEATURE, AID SOCIAL REFORM No. 7, Vol. 2] CARDIFF, FRIDAY, SEPT., 26, 1879. TONE PENNY. The Burgess " delivered weekly for 4/- per annum paid in advance. The "Burgess" can be obtained of the following News Agents everylPriday: Me. J. Cobin, St. Mary Street.' ,, P. Thomas, ,, ,,' ,, Evans, . Bridge ,, „ : Messrs. Webb & Co., Wood ,, Mrs. Artattd, Angel ,, Mr. Haines, James ,, "Docks Miss Morgan, Bute Road, Docks. Mr. Donovan, Bute Street. ,, GrTTLLIFORD, ,, ,, ,, Beale. ,, „ ,,• Hogg, Crockherbtown- , ,,. Maywq&v,-3SL, Broadway; ^ ,.***.. _ ,, Shapcott, Castle Road. ,, J. Smith, Clifton Street. ,, Twypord, Cowbridge Road, Canton. ,, Smith, ,. ,, ,, ,, Baneield, 8, Meteor Street, Splotland. ,, Croet, Cowbridge Road, Canton. ROUND THE CORNER. Astle dear, since you left our editorial staff, your wits often go woolgathering, Just fancy describing J. Manning, Esq, late of Cardiff,-now of Canada, as " J. W. Manning, of Swan¬ sea," as though the Mail Manning could shine so satisfactorily. The Eisteddfod Committee must think themselves the very acme of perfection since Dr. had them down at St. Donatt's castle. We hope they won't be like the frog in "the fable, and get swollen and burst, through an exaggerated sense of their own importance. While the histrionic tendencies of the Corporation incline to tragedy, the predilections of the Board of Guardians evi¬ dently is for low comedy. The Mayor who had been going along very nicely of late- has once more proved his right to be described by the vulgar as'Oily Dan." Just fancy the toadyism of a Mayor of Cardiff in connection with the Tynte-Fothergill marriage. ;,'] Farces may be very well in their^plailC but to see a body of middle-aged men performing thus- ufc.der the-£uise of serving the public is too much oj^a^geefcl thing. - ;jp-:s----------<^--------- _„M.^. Rag-Tape seems to be omnipotent^a^the Cardiff Circumlo- *Oirkion Office. We can fancy Peter Davies and other old Tory sycophants- for the sake of keeping together a little custom for their ante¬ diluvian establishments, bowing and scraping, but for a Mayor of Cardiff to dance attendance at the Cardiff station, and at the gathering at Cefn Mably, is beyond our comprehension. Col. Tynte once paraded in full uniform on horseback, at the head of a procession in 1855, and subsequently presided over a Young Men's Christian Association meeting, when a pious young man named W. Courtney Clarke was a bright and shining light. t Since then the brave and gallant •"• Kurnel" has been of no service to Cardiff, and it is very evident from physical1 cir¬ cumstances he never can be. Why, therefore, the Mayor should drag his official position through such palavering, salaaming, sycophantic proceedings, no one but his worship himself can comprehend. It was done unwittingly, no doubt, but Jonas started ii. His pious soul has been sorely vexed by the unregenerate anent the assessment committee and Watkiss' chapel, and a happy thought struck him. Says he, "We'll name them, these plagues, their names shall go down to posterity as invaders and destroyers of boardroom harmony." This was to annihilate them, especially Jacobs and Stone. But it didn't. The angel couldn't carry it, and when G. A. S. proposed that naughty members be put in a corner, or on a bench, or wear a dunce's cap, it became a broad farce. If such is not the case, why ab the officials of the Board of Health persist in taking up paved streets in good condition, to macadamise them. Where is the reason or justice of wasting time on alterations in Loudoun square and Tyndal street, when there are roads absolutely impassable, regular swamps, in other portions of the town. If those who have the ordering of these things were com¬ pelled to dwell in these places for a time, and get a roll in the mud now and again, something would probably be done. In connection with jerrying houses in Roath, how is it the official who went through the ceremony of certifying those houses for habitation didn't see they were not according to plans ? That individual is not up to his work.' Pity a strong wind didn't rise, and blow the houses down on him. Try Witchell's Noted Boots, best value in Town.