tHe No. 5, Vol. 2] CARDIFF, FRIDAY, SEPT., 12, 1879. [ONE PENNY. The '. Burgess " delivered weekly for 4/- per annum paid in advance. The "Burgess" can be obtained of the following News Agents every Friday: Mr. .1. Corw, St. Mary Street. ,. P. Thomas, ,, ,, ,, Evans, Bridge ,, Messrs. Webb & Co., Wood ,, Mrs. Artaud, Angel ,, Mr. Haines, James ,, Docks. Miss Morgan, Bute Road, Docks. Mr. Donovan, Bute Street. ,, Gulliford, ,, ,, ,, Beale. ,, „ ,, Hogg, Crockherbtowir ,, Haywood, 39, Broadway. ,, Shapcott, Castle Road. ,, J. Smith, Clifton Street. ,, Twyford, Cowbridge Road, Canton. ,, Smith, ,. ,, ,, ,, Baneield, 8, Meteor Street, Splotland. ROUND THE CORNER. I •■* One of the most impertinent pieces of correspondence we have read appears in last week's Argus, headed " Brimstone and Bunkum." We hardly know which most' to admire, the gentlemanly style and cool assumption of Mr. G. W. Armstrong or the inherent impudence of Mr. W. P. Williams. Which is Brimstone and loliich is liL Bunkum, Mr. Editor? To our domesticated minds the ^dispute seems to savour of the "pot calling the kettle black." ~ - - We can assure Mr. Armstrong that no letters in his " goody, goody dialogue " style shall ever be permitted in these columns. A gent that can write total abstinence dialogues and act contrary to those teachings won't suit our book. Will it Mr. Counciller Trounce ? As to W. P. Williams, of the Argus, setting hitr.self up as a pattern of high morality and gentlemanliness we can only say read last week's Argus. It is really worse in personal and vindictive attacks than the Western Mail, and that's saying a good deal. One of the most startling episodes in our daily rounds was the appearance of E. J. Eeed, Esq., C.B., MP., and J. McOonnochie, Esq., C.E., driving up Park Place, on Friday last, about the dinner hour. A pretty style sure, but not to be repeated, eh, Stone ? What say you, Ramsdale ? We'll insure and bury him first, and so say all of us„ The following appeared in last Friday's Western Mail:— "A Hint to the ' Burgess.'- -William Glozenhir. a professional cricketer, was charged at Dudley police court, on Wednesday, with assaulting Edward Oakes, correspondent to a comic paper called the Magpie, which contained an offensive article reflecting on Glozonhir. The Bench dismissed the case, holding that offensive paragraph were naturally calculated to lead to a breach of the speech (sic.) We only wish to say to the printer's " devil " who had the audacity to insert the paragraph, to " come on," a genuine stand up engagement would he somewhat enlivening in this big gooseberry season. I think we might turn out the smartest crew now, we have none of the lame, blind, or bloated on our sta ff. We have no imitation paddies in our employ, nor do we wish any such " encroachmongers " near our establishment. We would only add that if our columns were not freer from personal abuse, dangerous inuendoes, garbled news, and indecent intelligence (except when Newport is con¬ cerned) than our contemporary, we would give up the ghost at once. We have heard it frequently stated that the Burgess had better be careful, and we find that this veiled threat has been made by those whom we have deemed it our duty to hold up to public gaze. All we can say is that all we have stated in our columns so far is perfectly true, every word of which we can prove in a court of justice. If complainants are not satisfied let them have the remainder of their " dirty linen " hauled out and held up for public inspection. We are agreeable. * Complaints have been made that we refer to private individuals, very private, when their career and doings are the common talk of the docks train, docks society, bar gossip, restaurant chat, and public-house conversation. Don't spit out a naughty word gentle Jotias, dear, on reading this weeks Burgess. My dear sir, I am just off by train, lend us a couple of sovs. theres a good fellow," or " Governor's away and I can't get my salary, so oblige me with a fiver." No, my dear friends, the interest of society demands a little public punishment so that these corrupters of youth and beauty, contaminators of our homes and public institu¬ tions may be watched as dangerous reptiles. The history and career of the great journalists of London, from their birth upwards, are recorded in '•' Men of the Time." Journalists of a consistent type are often honoured by public testimonials, and other suitable plea¬ sant tokens of esteem. Try Witchell's Noted Boots, best value in Town.