No. 5.] CARDIFF, THURSDAY, MAR. 13th, 1879. [ONE PENNY. Ilia Mfhhh Wwm 'mzM^W JIHKSMlMII ime-ai EOH If MM IsilSll >5 ir^B^W 134 •:.-!il liiiidiHi Hp+i' II lllliiil II iiiiiiii^ ifi1 ^ w 13 mSBX B||l8j WM OUR ILLUSTRATION. WE have this week (as our readers will see) devoted our Fron¬ tispiece to 'one of our most important industries, viz.—Sewing Machines. We fear the Sewing Machine is not appreciated as it deserves to be, although every housewife knows what an immense amount of labour she saves by possessing a good one, Trades have also been benefitted by its introduction, and were it not for this machine, our linen, woollen, and cloth manufactories would not be so numerous or half so large, for it would be utterly impossible to put either so much material or workmanship into our wearing appa¬ rel. Our ladies would have to be satisfied with plainer garments and with less trimmings, and our seamstresses would have to work almost night and day as formerly to get a miserable pittance. The reason why we select the Wheeler and Wilson Co. for our illustration this week is owing to the fact that they have recently