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THE CARDIFF LIBRARIES REVIEW. Vol. I. No. I. October, 1909. CONTENTS : Library Notes and News ... Reading List—Polar Exploration The Conquest of the Arctic - Recent Additions to the Central Lenrling Library ----- Supplement—Map illustrating the Conquest of the Pole. Page READERS' REVIEW. How to read Morley's Life of Gladstone - Every Man his own Critic - Pergonal Friends—Sheridan Some Recent Books on America - Books and Bookmen Public Libraries and University Education A Charming Letter Writer Page 129 131 134 137 140 142 143 Library Notes and News. "The Cardiff Libraries Review." The Libraries' Committee, after care¬ ful deliberation, have decided to pub¬ lish a monthly periodical, and to issue with it the "Readers' Review." The monthly periodical will be utilised to give information as to the work of the libraries. It will also contain literary and bibliographical notes (local and general), reading lists on questions of the day, lists of additions to the various departments of the libraries, and so forth. The " Readers' Review " is a monthly guide to books and reading. It is pub¬ lished by a joint editorial board of the National Home Reading Union and the Library Association of the United King¬ dom, whose aim is to encourage sys¬ tematic reading. From month to month articles appear on special subjects or particular authors by competent authori¬ ties, and the best books to read are mentioned. Reviews of new books and other features are also included. Forth¬ coming numbers will contain contribu¬ tions by Mr. Sidney Webb, Mr. Hilaire Belloc, Mr. Arnold Bennett, and Mr. G. K. Chesterton. * -x- * # Lectures. The lectures which will be delivered at the branch libraries during the coming season promise to be quite as varied and interesting as those which have been given in previous years. The List of Lectures from October to December is now ready, and can be had on applica¬ tion at the various departments of the libraries. Before the issue of our next number lectures will be given by Mr. W. A. Meyrick, on October 2ist, at Splotlands ("In Western Brittany"); Mr. W. W. Pettigrew, on October 27th, at Grange- town (" Half- an -Hour in the Flower Garden "); Mr. Ivor John, on November 4th, at the Docks ("The Dominion of the Ant "); Miss Coates, on November 10th, at Grangetown ("Glimpses of Hamp¬ shire "); and Mr. A. E. Harris, at Canton, on November nth (" High Walking round Snowdon "). -* * * * South Africa. The Imperial South African Associa¬ tion have again been good enough to place the services of one of their lecturers at the disposal of the Libraries' Com¬ mittee. At the Cathays Branch on October 28th, Mr. F. B. Broadway will lecture on " South Africa: its Commer¬ cial and Agricultural Resources, Native Races, etc." This important lecture will no doubt attract a large audience. A new book dealing with the union