Yol. III. APRIL, 1897. No. i. CONTENTS. PAGE President's Letter ............ 1 Queen Elizabeth and her England 2 In a Lane.................. 7 Christmas Entertainment ...... 8 Savonarola ............... 9 Owls .................... 12 School News .............. 14 Pascal .................. U Curious Locks and Keys Mice............... Rose Guild Meeting Kyrle Report ......... Library Report ...... Fiction Library Catalogue Editorial............ rAGE. , 17 . 18 . 19 , 19 . 20 . 21 27 imitanfa gdter. My Dear Girls, E have given in this number a statement of accounts for the Magazine duriog the four years it has been in existence. The loss each year has been paid out of the money made by the enterĀ¬ tainments and lectures. Owing to the energetic work of the Treasurer, Hilda Hall, the welcome donation from Mr. Culley, and the reduction in the price to 6d. for pupils, the loss for 1896 is considerably less than in former years. We hope more pupils will subscribe, so that there may be no loss in 1897. We were very sorry that it was necessary to postpone the lectures promised by Mrs. Bagnall-Oakeley and Mrs. Mitchell, and hope they will be given at an early date.