rjo Vol ii. DECEMBER, 1896. No. vi. CONTENTS. PAGE. President's Letter...... Account of Two "Wrecks The Prize-Giving...... The Nibelung's Ring ... Butterflies...... ... 125 126 12 7 136 113 A Remarkable Englishwoman Royal Holloway College School News............ Library Report ......... Editorial ............ PAGE. . 146 . 152 . 151 . 155 . 156 § xmbrnVz %ttttx. My Dear Girls, Qjl^/VE have been fortunate this term in having another series of vll£v interesting lectures, and we are greatly indebted to those who have thus kindly given us so much enjoyment. We have included the reports of the lectures given in the Monmouthshire Beacon, to have some permanent record of them, and also for the benefit of those who were unable to be present. The report of the last lecture must be held over until the next magazine, as we have not sufficient space. Next term we hope to have lectures from Mrs. Bagnall-Oakeley and Mrs. Mitchell. The entertainment is to be on Wednesday, December 16th, at 7.30, and on Thursday, Dec. 17th, at 2.30; and a full dress rehearsal on Wednesday at 2.30. We shall hope to pay the debt of the Rose Guild Library, and to have something for the Kyrle Branch, as we shall want many pictures for the new building. There will be a state¬ ment of the various accounts in the next magazine. I was disappointed in the result of the Literary Competition, as I had hoped many more would have attempted it. The prize, Oscar Browning's Dante in the Dilettante Library, was gained by Mildred Martin.