JO ~T3 UJ Vol. n. JULY, 1896. No. v. CONTENTS. PAGE. President's Letter............ 105 Influence of the Queens Consort ... 106 Bird-nesting- ............... 107 Travels in India...... ...... 110 '' Things not Generally Known "... 112 " The Little Schools " ......... 114 Prize Competition ...... School News ......... Wild Flower Competition Rose Guild Meeting ,, ,, Reports...... Editorial............ PAGE. ... 116 ... 118 ... 119 ... 123 ... 123 ... 124 My Dear Girls, ยง SHOULD be glad to receive more articles for the Magazine. During the Summer term when the examinations keep us all very busy, we should specially welcome literary contributions from old girls and members of the Rose Guild. I understand the selection of subjects is the chief difficulty, but reviews of books, discussions of current topics, as well as papers on Natural History or Travels, all would be interesting. We should also like to have more contributions from the younger pupils. Hilda Hall is now Treasurer of the Magazine Fund ; she reports a large number of subscribers, but that very few of these are pupils. I hope we shall have another course of lectures in the Autumn term. We shall have the pleasure of a visit from the Hereford High School Past and Present Association on Saturday, July 11th. I wish we had sufficient accommodation to ask the Rose Guild to meet them, but we shall look forward to welcoming them another time at our new buildings. Yours affectionately, July 8th, 1896. NINA LUCKES.