*TD Vol. il APRIL, 1896. No. iv. President's Letter ......... Ancient Greek Cities. Part ii. Proverbs .............. London in the 14th Century ... Christinas Entertainment _„ Clubs................. CONTENTS. PAGE. .. 85 PAGE. The Wheelwright Grammar S chool... 96 Motley's the only Wear ....., ... 98 Degrees for Women..........101 School News..................102 Rose Guild Meeting and Reports ... 103 Editorial ..................104 gmibmt's fitter. My Dear Girls, ^jjJTOW delightful it is for us to see the walls of our new buildings £0 rising on our beautiful site, and so quickly, too ! I hope the Needlework Class will make good progress with the pretty red and white bags for the Cloak-room. There are a large number to be made, and we should like them to be finished by the time the new buildings are ready, which will probably be from 18 months to two years. Miss Pratt has very kindly consented to make crayon sketches of the composers, one for each music-room. You will remember how much we all admired her portrait of Purcell. The Museum has been very fortunate this term. Among the many additions to it mentioned in the report, I must note for special thanks the valuable gift of specimen coins from the great Find at Bishops- wood in April, 1895, presented by Mr. McCalmont, through the kindness of Mrs. Bagnall-Oakeley, and the number of interesting curiosities kindly sent by Miss Cooper, Head Mistress of the Dulwicl; High School, through Mrs. Wiseman.