Vol. n. NOVEMBER, 1895. No. in. CONTENTS. PAGE. PAGE. President's Letter ... . ....... 57 Aberdare Hall......... ...... 71 Ancient Greek Cities . ....... 58 Our Fourth Prize-giving ..... 74 Dances .......... ....... 62 Rose Guild Meeting ..... 82 Wars of the Roses ... . ....... 64 ,, ,, Reports ..... 82 VanDyck ....... ....... 66 School News........ ..... 84 A Mediaeval Town... . ....... 69 Editorial............ ...... 84 My Dear Girls, toikafs Setter. #TJR Magazine continues to have a good circulation among those who are interested in the School, but it is not taken by as many of the pupils as we should like. At the last Rose Guild meeting it was decided to try, in 1896, the experiment of charging Is. 6d. a year, instead of 2s. 6d., to present pupils only. We hope this will enable a great many more of you to buy the magazines regularly. We wish we could sell enough copies to reduce the price to 6d. for everyone. The School Entertainment is to be on December 17th ; there will be two performances, one at 2.30 and one at 7.30. Past and present pupils are invited to the full-dress rehearsal on Monday afternoon, December 16th, at 2.30. We hope this arrangement will prevent the overcrowding of last year, as our space is so limited. We have, I think, an attractive programme, and hope it will be carried out successfully. I was glad so many members of Forms III. to Ib. were able to accept