ZJO Vol. n. JULY, 1895. No. 2 President's Letter ..... Monmouth and its Surroundings Strange Adventures of a Swift... •« What's in a Name ? " Experiences of a Potato Hatcham High School for Girls... CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE . 29 A Letter of Last Century..... 43 i 30 By the Brook ............ 46 . 32 School News............... 47 . 34 Literary Competition......... 49 . 39 Rose Guild Meeting and Reports 54 . 41 Editorial ............... 56 My Dear Girls, Iftxt&tbtxd'S %ttttt. £A hope you will receive this number of the Magazine before the end of Q3 Term, but contributors should send in their articles as soon as possible, as the printing must take some time. Speech Day is to be on Wednesday, July 31st. The Master of the Worshipful Company of Haberdashers (our Estates Governors), has kindly consented to give away the prizes. Mrs. Bagnall-Oakeley has promised a most delightful prize—the School badge in gold. This Golden Rose is to be given to the girl who has shewn herself the " loveablest and Jikeablest," the girl who-according to the votes of all her schoolfellows has been con¬ sidered the most unselfish, amiable and dutiful, who has tried most to " serve and obey " during the past year. There is an account of the Wild Flower Competition in the School News, but I should like to add that though the names of the flowers were given very fairly for the first attempt, I shall look for more accuracy next year. Lizzie Mcllroy has joined the Rose Guild. Yours affectionately, July 9th, 1895. NINA LTJCKES.