a* Vol. ii. MARCH, J895. President's Letter......... Under the Red Robe ...... Miracle Plays and Moralities Ask Me No More......... Curious Headgear......... An Unwritten Article...... Christmas Entertainment ... No. i CONTENTS. PAGE. PAGE. The Butterfly ......... .. 15 King Arthur at the Lyceum .. 16 A Novel Literary Competition .. 22 School News............ ... 22 Rose Guild Meeting ...... .. 23 10 , Rose Guild Reports ...... .. 23 13 Editorial ............ .. 27 Jmttrwtf* Setter. My Dear Girls, £H S this is the seventh number of our Magazine, we are beginning a ^^ second volume with it. I hope it will soon be self-supporting, but at present more subscribers are needed. The printing of the three numbers for 181)4 has cost £10 12s. 6d., and the subscriptions and single copies sold brought in £7 Is. The loss for the year, £3 lis. 6d., has had to be paid from the profits of the entertainment, which we hoped to have used for other purposes. From the reports of the branches of the Rose Guild, given in the Magazine, it will be seen that the Guild is continuing its useful work in the school; two more members have joined :— Mrs. Bevan, Priory House, Monmouth. Mildred Martin, Wye Vale, Monmouth. Yours affectionately, March 20th, 1895. NINA LTJCKES.