emumih jpgb Mtfaml IpagaBta*. Vol. i. NOVEMBER, 1894. No. vi. CONTENTS. PAGE PAGK President's Letter ...... ... 180 Our Third Prize Giving . ..... 195 Madame de Stael ...... ... 181 The Cow .......... ..... 200 Dolls .............. ... 183 Christina Eossetti ... . ..... 201 An Examiner's Relaxations, ii. 185 School News.......... ..... 206 Burke.............. ... 189 Rose Guild Meeting .. . ..... 206 Cornwall ............ ... 190 ,, ,, Reports ... . ..... 207 Moliere'a Characteristics ... ... 192 Editorial .......... ..... 207 My Dbar Girls, Irmtatfa fitter. (Y am sure you must have been very pleased at the Prize-Giving to hear 0$ the Chairman speak so kindly of our Magazine. I hope it will make you all take still more pains with your composition, and try to send in articles suitable for publication. But I must give the young contributors a friendly warning to be very careful and accurate in their statements of facts in natural history; the papers do not undergo editorial correction, and each writer is responsible for her article. The following members have joined the Rose Guild this term:— Evelyn Crockett, 17, Chambers Street, Grantham. Maud Hurlbatt, c/o Miss Hurlbatt, Aberdare Hall, Cardiff. Ethel King, 9, Frogmore Street, Abergavenny. Janie Polgreen, Manor House, Monmouth. Helen Rickards, Dixton Vicarage. Nelly Addams-Williams, The Hill, Monmouth.