<MC lO Vol. i. FEBRUARY, 1894. No. iv. CONT ENTS. PAGE PAGE President's Letter ......... 112 School Entertainment...... ... 147 Women's Dress in the Middle Ages 113 A Tribute to Influenza ... 148 Japan .................. 118 An Art Student in Paris ... ... 148 The Holy Land............ 123 The Rose in Tennyson ... 150 Adventures of Certain Rivers ... 129 Rose Guild Reports ...... ... 150 Women's Colleges ......... 134 Library Reports......... ... 151 The Cat and the Mouse ...... 138 Wanted.............. ... 151 Leaves from a Pot Pound Jar ... 141 School News ......... ... 151 Switzerland............... 145 Editorial ............ ... 151 My Dear Girls, TftXtttillZaVs %tt\tX. (Y was glad to receive more contributions in response to the appeal (\R in the last Magazine; unfortunately many were sent in too late for publication in this number. The autumn course of lectures by ladies was most successful; the audiences were good, and the lectures were greatly appreciated. The financial result of the lectures and school entertainment was decidedly satisfactory ; after paying all expenses and making up the loss on the printing of the Magazines, we had a balance of £7 17s. Of this, £2 17s. was given to the Eose Guild Library, and .£5 carried to the Magic Lantern Fund. The following new members have joined the Rose Guild :— Ella Gower, 31, Monnow Street. Hilda Frazer, 5, Park Grove, Cardiff. Miss Pratt, 56, Talbot Street, Southport. Yours affectionately, February 19th, 1894. NINA LtfCKES.