Vol. i. APRIL, 1893. No. ir. CONTENTS. President's Letter ...... Geoffrey of Monmouth Oranges and Lemons...... Reading Circle ......... Wordsworth's Lines above Tintern Abbey......... Tennyson'a Dora......... "Rough" ............ Lecture on Homer ...... ,, Early Christian Architecture... ,, French Salons... PAGE 36 37 39 41 4-2 4."> 46 4G 54 50 Lecture on Fossils Mixed Metaphors Rose Guild Reports ... (1) Mission Work (2) Kyrle Branch (3) Museum (4) Amusements (5) Library Prize Competition School News ...... Editorial ......... PAOI 59 65 65 70 74 Uttritenf» fitter. My Dear Girls, kUR first number has met with a most encouraging success. We have 66 subscribers, and 37 single copies were sold, and now that our Rose badge is so clearly shewn I hope the Magazine will prove still more attractive. It was a pity we could not have it on the first cover, but there was an unavoidable delay, and we did not wish to put off publishing the Magazine. The badge was carefully photographed, and then engraved by the Meisenbach process, with the excellent result we see. 1 hope we shall have more contributions from the pupils, especially as Mrs. Bagnall-Oakeley has very kindly offered a prize for the best article suitable for publication in the Magazine, The subject, length, and style, are left to the choice of each competitor, and the competition is open to pupils of the School and members of the Rose Guild. We are greatly indebted to those who have so kindly given the very interesting lectures which we have enjoyed this term. The first course included lectures—on Homer, by Mr. Culley ; on Early Christian Architecture, by Mrs. Bagnall-Oakeley; ou French Salons, by the Rev. W. A. Willis ; and, on Fossils, by Dr. Poignand. We have included the reports given of them in the Monmouthshire Beacon, in order that we