DYfÌIO^ YH OES: IIL-mP. E. Ç. DaVies, Pcaüheli. íí nn HEN WLAD YN £| Bu£N „ YSPÇYD . YÇ OES: oG^oeàôûaà î\u^o\ a\ ^asauaeWi oo^mtu Ẃ^ôtà. CYF. I. RHIF 4. MAI i6eg, 1904. Pris D:vy GeiiNIOG. -î- FOR CYCUES, MOTORS & MAIU-CARTS, *■ t^hyl, Denbicjh, Carnafn/on, & LtlanFcust. The Largest Stock of New and Second-hand Cycles in North Wales. NEW HUDSON'S, £S ros. od. RUDGE WHITWORTH, SINGER, PREMIER and the famous SWIFTS' CYCLES, from £10 ios. od. ROYAL WELSH, £7 ios. od. ""'""'"......iiiimiilmniiuiiiiiii.......iiiniiiiiiiinu Over 500 Second-hand Cycles at Nominal Prices. Write for Particulars, with requirements, or call and inspect. mmrmni rrrrrTTî iîiiiii ri ri i irirn iiinimniniiiiinnii The Greatest Variety of MAIL-CARTS out of London New Polish Walnut, £2 2s. Raffia Cane, £2 3s., &c, &c. Second-hand, from lOs. 6d. Bath Chairs and Invalids Chairs. EASY PAYMENTS FOR. ALL NEW GOODS. Uealers in ^oBctccoís, gRgareffe-s, ^ipes ariö "^fouc^es. Agents for Winter Games, Table Tennis, Ping Pong, Sandow's Developers, Hockey Sticks, &c, &c. New Game of Snap Shots. W. WILLIAMS A'l FAB, ARGRAPHWYR, TREFFYNNON.