-2.Y CRONICL.*sl Rhif 762.] HYDREF, 1906. [Cyf. LXVI. THE PENITENTS STORM. By "Ehedydd Ial." (Translated from the Welsh.) 1. The heavens above my head, Were darkened as the night, No moon, nor star to shed, On me a ray of light, And Justice stern midst thunder loud, Sped light'nings from the sullen cloud. 2. My guilty conscience had Awakened, with a cry,— Its call so stern and sad, Will haunt me 'til I die,— And in my pain I sought to flee, Not lcnowing who could rescue me. 3. The shelter of the Law, I sought in my distress; But as I prayed I saw, It could no sinner bless, " Flee for thy life," it said to me, "To Jesus Christ on Calvary." 4. I fled in my despair, Midst noise of thunder shrill, When light'nings rent the air,— I fled to Calvary's Hill, And there upon the Holy Place I met my Saviour face to face. 5. Altho' my flesh was grass, My bones but brittle clay, I sang as meteors flash'd— God washed my sins away; I on the Rock of Ages stood, The light'nings quenched in Jesus' blood. Riinion. ' • '• 1 ) 1 ■