VOL. XIIL] SEPTEMBER, 1876. [No. 163. The Treasury: THE CALVINISTIC METHODISTS' CONTENTS. Christian Work ........ ....... 162 The Departed Friend............. 164 The Great Victory................. 166 One of the Fathers ............... 167 Christ's four Witnesses ............... *"" Poetry—The Voice of Jesus............ ^ The Sabbath School—What one Young Man did..... 173 Connexional Intelligence— South Wales Association.............. *-fo Notes from the Monthly Meetings........... ^" Gilead, Pembrokeshire............... *7° Ministerial Movements ............ *'* Llanwynno, Glamorganshire .. ... .« •• •« -"•'* Welcome to Rev. Hugh Roberts ....... •• 178 Penarth, near Cardiff................ 178 Llandinam Sunday School............. ■*■'° Tabernacle Chapel, Penclawdd........... 179 Pembroke Dock Anniversary ......... •■• *80 London Welsh Sunday School Union ... .^ ... •■■ 180 LLANELLY: FEINTED FOR THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE CAL^IKIWKO METHODISTS BY D. WILLIAM! AND BOH. PRICE ONE PENNY.