C ^ OvoUc> No. 47. NOVEMBBR, 1867. Price 2d. %\t Crmttrj: THE «mistit pipes' ^njlis^ pntljlg psaUrag MISSIONARY REPORTER. CONTENTS: Light gives Light ..... • •.....* ■ • • • • • 329 A time to Pluck up that which was Planted...... .. 330 The Ordinance'of the Lord's Suppar.......... 334 <« Tliou'Foot" ..:.. .. .. ............ 338 : The late Rev. L\ Rowland of Bala .......... 339 How Moderation WorkB................. 343 Gathered Pearls .............. .. .. 345 Childbens' Department—The Brother and Sister ». .. .. 346 Poetkt—Translations from the Welsh .......... 337 Conne'xional Intelligence— , South Wales Association ... .. ... .. .. ...... 347 Lancashire, Cheshire, &c, Presbytery.. ....... ... 349 Glamorgan, darmarthen,"and'Monmouth Presbytery .. ..351 ' Notes from the^llohjthly Meetings ...... ... .. 353 .The Opening £f jfaJLajCollege .':., ..„...... .. ..353 ,'Aberdare—Laying the Foundation Stone .. ...... .. 357 AVrexham—Opening the Welsh Chapel.. {...... .. 358 Witton Park, Durham.. - .. '..- \. ■ .\ .. .. .. 358 Resume of Recent Letters from the Missionaries...... 359 Obiti/ary—Rev. J. Phillips, Bangor .. .. ...... 360 Sunday'Sbh6dlTntellig«hce—see- wrapper. LLANELLY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY D. WILLIAMS & SON. WREXHAM : HUGHES AND SON.