THE TREASURY. No. 37. JANUARY, 1867. Price 2d. >ERE the question put to very many Christian men, Has the year 1866 answered your expectations? the • reply would be in the negative. For years they had anxiously looked forward to this period as one wherein events would transpire which would change the character of Christen¬ dom, and introduce the Christian Church into a new era. Those events have not transpired: at least in the form expec¬ ted. Circumstances have proceeded in the usual way. The servants of God have laboured hard and faithfully, and, in * measure, successfully; and the workers of iniquity have not been backward in their doings. Still, it may be that, in years to come, historians, in tracing the progress of the Christian religion, may have to point to some movement which commenced very unobtrusively in the year 1866, as that which, beyond ought else, gave an impetus to the cause of Christ. The springs of great rivers rise unseen on mountain heights : it is not until they grow into rivulets and rivers that they attract the notice of men. Almost all great movements, too, which have effected the most thorough revolutions ever witnessed in social and religious life, have had their origin in comparative obscurity. Even the Saviour of the world was ushered in upon our earthly scenes with an announcement made to a few poor shepherds, destitute of in-