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THE TBEASUBY. No. 28. APRIL, 1866. Phige 2d. drntoilj in <$r&ft. BY THE LATE REV. W. GRIFFITHS, GOWER. " But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ."—2 Peter iii. 18. Sy&£N the context, the Apostle cautions the church against Mi)"l spiritual infection by the errors that were in the world, ^5^ and against spiritual declension in their souls as a natural consequence. Our text proposes the best remedy for both, and is given by way of exhortation. By the word " grace " here we understand not any one particular grace, such as faith, love, or hope, but the whole new man or new nature received in the new birth, sometimes spoken of as "the exceeding grace of God/' and "his un¬ speakable gift." 2 Cor. ix. 14, 15. By " growing in grace " we understand the progressive efforts of this grace in the soul, getting all our faculties and feelings, as well as our body and senses, more under its influence and control; and also acting more regular and study upon its own proper objects. Let us notice, I. The nature of this growth. II. Its necessity. III. The means whereby it is produced. I. The nature or this growth. 1. It is a growth in knowledge. " For we know in part," know "as a child." (1 Cor. xiii. 9—13). Saving knowledge has three great branches. (1.) Knowledge 6f God