NOVEMBER, 1879. !*#=£!* The Calvinistic Methodists' MONTHLY MISCELLANY & MISSIONARY REPORTER. CONTENTS. The Simplicity that is in Christ...... 201 Poetry—The Great Physician ...... 205 Letters from a Young Lady......... 205 Psalm XXIII................... 208 Reserved and Distant ............ 208 Exegetical..................... 209 Temperance Section— How to deal with Intemperance ... 211 Children's Page—Boy Wanted, &c.... 212 Obituary—Miss Davies, Llandinam ... 214 International Sunday School Lessons ... 215 Connexional Intelligence— South Wales Association......... 215 Monmouthshire, &c, Presbytery ... 216 Pembrokeshire Monthly Meeting ... 217 Neyland .................. 218 North Pusca.................. 218 Bethany, Pontnewynydd......... 219 Anniversaries ............... 219 Notes from North Wales......... 219 Missionary Chronicle ............ 2,20 NEWPORT, MON.: f^ Printed and Published for the General Assembly of the Calvinistic Methodists by W. JONES, n8, COMMERCIAL STREET. PRICE ONE PENNY.