Welsh Journals

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No. 57. SEPTEMBER, 1868. Price 2d. %\n foratrg: ^ THE MISSIONARY REPORTER. Bio graphical Sketch—liev. John Evans, Llwynffortun .... 261 Fragments.......................................... 266 The Domestic Circle—The Nursery...................... 266 The Worthy Communicant ....... -"...............;'..... 271 The Idea of Reward.............'.............. *...... 276 Acting and Thinking......................___........ 277 Address to the Students of Trevecc'a College. ?'............ 277 Temperance Section.................................. 219 Children's Department—Good and Bad Apples .......... 279 Disobedience Punished ................................ 280 Illustrated Gleanings.................................. 280 Poetry—Translation from the Welsh...................... 270 Now is the Time...................................... 288 CONNEXIONAL INTELLIGENCE— The General Assembly................................ 281 North Wales Association .............................. 284 South Wales Association.............................. 285 Presbytery of Montgomery and Salop.................... 287 Missionary Chrqniclj^...............*^................ 289 Statistics of the Monmouthshire, &c, Presbytery.......... 291 LLANELLY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY D. WILLIAMS & SON. wkexham: hughes and son.