Welsh Journals

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No. 51. MARCH, 1868. Price 2d. ^ THE fiaWnistic ptfecMsts' (gnglislr Jgtonfyll pstellans MISSIONAKY EEPOETEE. CONTENTS: Morning-Hours .................... 69 The Domestic Circle.................. 71 The Prayer was too long................ 74 Historical Sketch—Chester .............. 77 Busy here and there .................. Si The'Alarum Clock............ ...... 82 The late Rev. David Rowland.............. 83 A Life Parable.................... 86 Moral Courage .................... 89 Ministerial Reminiscences .............. 90 Illustrative Gleanings.................. 91 Temperance Section.................. 91 Childbed's Page.—How William got a place—The ship of the Desert—Ten Good Friends—The Importance of Discipline 94 Obituary—The late Rev. R. Jones............ 95 Poetry—The Dying Child ................ 76 Ni cheisia'n'wyneb Moses—Translation........ 86 O Fiyniau Caersalem, &c. do........... 86 O Llefara Addfwyn Iesu do. ........ 96 CoNNEX TONAL IXTELLTCxEXCE— North Wales Association .............. 96 South Pembrokshire Presbytery .......... 97 Notes from Monthly Meetings ............ 97 Chapel Intelligence .. .............. 98 Trevecca College .................. 99 Sunday School Intelligence ............ 99 Missionary Chronicle ................100 LLANELLY: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY D. WILLIAMS & SON. WREXHAM : HUGHES AND SON.