A MEDIUM OF TRADE & FASHION, AND INSTRUCTIVE READING FOR EVERY HOME. No. 24. CAERNARVON, NOVEMBER, 1895. [Registered]. Gratis. 0od-liver Oil must be regarded rather as a FOOD than as a MEDICINE, its beneficial action largely depending upon its easy assimilation ON ACCOUNT OF ITS PURITY AND DELICATE FLAVOUR, Allen & Hanburys' "PERFECTED" Wr The " Perfected " Cod Liver Oil is sold in Capsuled Bottles ONLY, as adjoining woodcut, bearing ALLEN & HANBURYS' Signature and Trade Mark—a Plough-and CANNOT BE GENUINE IF OFFERED IN ANY OTHER FORM. Cod-liver Oil can be BORNE and DIGESTED WITHOUT INCONVENIENCE by the Most delicate. '•Is as nearly tasteless as Cod-liver Oil can be,"—The Lancet. " It is a great boon to get such an oil."—The Practitioner. "Has almost the delicacy of salad a\\."->-The British Medical Journal. " No nauseous eructations follow after it is swallowed." —Medical Press and Circular. ONLY perfectly fresh and carefully selected livers are used in its manufacture, and by a special and distinct process all the unpleasant qualities are eliminated without impairing in the smallest degree its invaluable medicinal and nutritive properties. This product is made at ALLEN & HANBURYS' own Factories on the Coast of Norway by their own workmen, where for more than thirty years they have made Cod-liver Oil on a large scale. It has received the unqualified commendation both of the Medical Profession and the ENTIRE Medical Press. In Bottles at is. 4d., 2s. 6d., 4s. od., & qs. each, of Chemists, &c, throughout the World. CAERNARVON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR MESSRS. MORRIS & DAVIES BY W. GWENLYN EVANS, 22, POOL STREET.