A MEDIUM OP TBADE 35 FASHION, AND INSTRUCTIVE BEADING FOB EVEBY HOME. No. 21. CAERNARVON, JANUARY, 1895. [Registered]. GrRATlS. "NO BETTER FOOD EXISTS."—z^MdM &«**, " Very digestible, nutritious, and palatable."— British Medical Journal. J&lkn & Hanburgs' Infants' Food. "It is excellent in quality and flavour."— Lancet SUEPKISINGLY beneficial results have attended the use of this Food, and it only requires a trial to be permanently adopted for the rearing of young Children. It forms a highly concentrated and self-digesting nutriment, containing all that is necessary for the formation of firm flesh and bone. It is in a partially soluble and readily assimilable form, and ea<^erly taken ^HSrifcieM. Otli.e.1* foods SLH*G rejected* It is free from the drawbacks of the ordinary Farinaceous foods, whilst it contains Valuable elements of nutrition which are wholly absent from ordinary milk foods. This is a cooked food, containing all the active constituents of Pure Malt in a soluble form. An improved form of Leibig's well-known food."—Lancet. te? " Infants who nave thriven under its use fell off when it was discontinued. Children Who were subject to sickness feeing freed from it fey the use cf Messrs. Allen & Hanfeurys' Food."-----The result of trials of Allen & Hanfeurys' Food at the East London Hospital for Children. Reported in the "BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL." My child, after being at death's dpor for weeks from exhaustion, consequent uron severe diarrhoea, and inability to retain any form of ' Infants' Food ' or Milk, began to improve immediately he took your malted preparation, and I have never seen an infant increase in weight as rapidh as he has done."— , H. Ernest Trestrail, F.R.C.S., M.R.C.P. . ■.-.'" I was more than pleased with your 'Infants' Food.' Our little boy relished it, and was the embodiment of perfect health. He was allowed your fooi only , - I have recommended it in other cases with great satisfaction to all parties concerned-'—J. Hislop Johnstone, M.D., Edin. and CM. ^J-ntbe case of delicate children it has been found highly beneficial and nutritive "—Mrs. Hilton, The Cresche, Stepney Causeway, E. '& SOLD IN TINS AT Is., 2s., 5s., and 10s. EAf!H, BY CHEMISTS, &c, EVERYWHEB*!. Any of Allen & Hanbtjsys' specialities may be obtained from : Mr. DAVID JONES, Chemist, Bangor Street, Carnarvon. Mr. JAMES FEANCIS, Chemist, Pool Street, Carnarvon. Mr. THOMAS HUGHES. Chemist, Penlan Street, Pwllheli. Mr. WILLIAM OWEN, Chemist, High Street, Pwllheli. CAERNARVON: PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR MESSRS. MORRIS & DAVIES BY W. GWENLYN EVANS, 22, POOL STREET.