A MEDIUM OF TBADE & FASHION, AND INSTRUCTIVE READING FOE EVERY HOMK No. 10. CAERNARVON, MAY, 1892. Registered], Gratis. -<5XNELSON EMPORIUM, CAERNARVON K^x t/m m m sj^f (s©P 15^@ ©^@ Jlfe&lllg^ &s^> dni> ^m t^§ <§^f ^: .. C * /■''';■ 1 : '■ All the Leading Novelties in MILLINERY, MANTLES, JACKETS, COSTUMES, &c. ENORMOUS STOCK of all the Choicest Materials in DRESS GOODS. EXPERIENCED DRESS and MANTLE MAKERS on the Premises. The NEW BRANCH is now opened with a MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF GOODS of the Newest Designs for the SPRING & SUMMER SEASONS,. which have just arrived from some of the leading Manufacturers in the Kingdom. S®HfEM@f§»—Extensive assortments in Scotch, Irish, Welsh, and West of England Tweeds. : . % 0@Ji'l'SM@§ & TBOWSBMIM©®.—All the latest productions in Berlin and Vicunia Coatings, Serges, Elastics, Meltons, Beavers, Cheviots, &c. CAEBNABVON : PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOR MESSRS. MORRIS & DAVIES, BY W. GWENLYN EVANS, 22, POOL STREET.