A MEDIUM OF TRADE & FASHION, AND INSTRUCTIVE HEADING FOR EVERY HOME,, No 8- "GAERNARFON-, NOVEMBER, 1891. [Registered.] Gratis. ■iATB&£OTi?sM >" r^- *m mm HOSIEHT & GI,OVl?<8 f T ,• Gentlemen, in great van t Ladies and rfw( VM MMM Hl^hs' and Men's Ready-Made Clothing. Departments in North Wal **-!£*,,» —-w, • r, 7 -----i~~~~-------~;^~^rles. B.M^PlffilflU'f)—This is one of the largest "o^A^uits made to order, 38/6 and upwards. PRINTED AND POLISHED FUR ^ ^^AYIES, PROPRIETORS. _ ^SXKok* 4ln> ^ °^^KNAEVON: tK bavtp.u * tiv W. flWKKT.VV P.VAXS, 92, POOF KTKF.FT.