A MEDHJM OF TRADE & FASHION," & INSTRUCTIVE READING FOR EVERY HOME: No. 4. CAERNARVON, NOVEMBER, 1890. 'Registered]. Gratis. IRelson Emporium, Caernarvon. show of mm good =-..■/-*# gpew neejag New 0pejdn- LATEST NOVELTIES in Millinery, Mantles, Costumes, Mac¬ kintoshes, Dress Materials, &c. HOSIERY AND GLOVES for Ladies and Gentlemen, in great variety. ENORMOUS STOCK of Boys', Youths' and Men's Ready-Made Clothing. WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT.-This is one of the largest Departments in North Wales. Suits made to order, 38/6 and upwards. MORRIS & DAY1ES, Proprietors. Printed and 1?ubushed~f©r Messrs. Morris & Davies by W. Gw^nlyn Evans, 22, Pool Steet, Carnarvon.