A MEDIUM OP TBADE 8s FASBXON, & mSTBWIIYE BKADjKG- SCR £^£J,Y EOMS. No. 2. CAERNARVON, APRIL, 1890. GRAND SHOW OF [Registered]. Gratis. -HfcjSPHING #p 30M.PE1 NQYEIiflES, '189! ave pleasure to announce the completion of. their arrangements for the ppring an! Bummer fjeasons, and are no^ shoeing in all departments a collection of- the ^#fPom ***© I-O^TOON, I»X*OYJ*irCIAI- »m*l CQJWTJW^N'S'AJL. MARKETS,"©*^ IN Mantles, Jackets, Bonnets, Hats, Srnshades, Umbrellas, Gloves, Hosiery* Dress Materials, Prints, Cretonnes, Woollens, and Ready-made Ctothing, Carpets, Linoleums, Qi^loths^ &c, FOB FASHXONS AND FURTHER PARTICULARS SEE CONTENTS OF " THE NELSON.' 'mm »■.»,. -■"■ ('li'-j ii -iii»!r !i ti Ti ii »'ii-i -riff r^ r,'i:ii I. 1 n nr~ < '"M'P - - -- - ..... " PRINTED AND PUBLISHED FOB MESSRS, MORRIS & DAVIES, BY W. GWENLYN EVANS, CAERNARVON.