The BUTHIN Illustrated Magazine. To Inform. To Instruct. To Amuse. No. 28. Vol. in. MAY, 1881. TWO PENCE. PENCILLING. BY OCTAVIUS ORACLE. I am glad to hear that one of the bravest veterans oi the British Army—Sergt. Major J. W. Watts—has had another mark of Eoyal favor bestowed upon him, in the shape of the silver medal for distinguished and meritorious service. Sergt. Major Watts has probably had a greater experience of " pewter " than anyone in Euthin, and probably no one in Euthin is sorry for it. I don't know how I should feel in a shower of bullets—I think I should try and feel my way out of it with all possible speed. Yet, in one of the Crimean battles, Sergt. Watts once told me the bullets were flying so thickly about his head that one of the most daring sportively carried away his chin-strap, and didn't even apologise for so ungracious an act! It is a matter of surprise to many lovers of football that the town Club don't play more of their matches in the town. I know several people who subscribe towards the Club, and who would like to get some return—be it ever so little—for their money, With the exception of a match which they played with the Colts the other day, the first eleven haven't made a single public appearance in Euthin this year I Such a state of affairs is un¬ satisfactory to say the least of it, and, if the Club wish to maintain their popularity next season, they must go in for better arrangements. A club of any sort badly managed is a pitiable sight. The members get at loggerheads—every one wants to have his own way, which, in the end, nobody has. I don't mean to say that this is exactly the case with the town football club. But there can be no disguising of the fact that they are not the most harmonious body in the world. I am informed that Mr. P. H. Ferandez, M.A. of Triuity College, Oxford, will act as locum tenens at the Grammar School for the next term. Mr. Fernandez is a Scholar of Trinity, a first class in moderations, and second class in classics in the final schools. It is a blessing to shake hands with the winds from the East, and bid them adieu for a while. At the time I am writing (Friday morning) a nice warm wind is blowing, and the parched earth has been refreshed over-night by a good shower of rain. The hedge-rows are beginning to pluck up courage this morning, and the bashful blossoms of tb.: fruit trees, I noticed, are peeping out to-day. It is fashionable for ladies to carry walking- sticks. Not that they are in absolute need of them—not that they make much use of them— but because it is fashionable, you know. As one of the opposite sex I have no objection to ladies smoking long clays if they like the pastime. I only object to them rushing after Fashion at a neck-or-nothing sort of paoe. It is really amusing, even in little Euthin. to observe how contagious Fashion is. If one lady turns out in a novelty to-day—half-a^dozenhave it tomorrow—two dozen the next day—six the next—and so on, ad infini¬ tum. The great London and Parisian houses should go in for patenting novelties, and then Fashion would be select,