The RUTHIN Illustrated Magazine. To Inform. To Instruct. To Amuse. No. 24.,Vol. II. JANUARY, 1881. two pence: LOCAL BUZZINGS, BY OCTAVIUS ORACLE. The old year "went out"—as the common expression says—in a bright starlight night, and amidst such a jargon of sounds as must have *' murdered" the repose of the most obstinate sleeper in Euthin. To a philosophical mind Christmas and New Year Festivities, as indulged in now-a-days, are a great piece of humbug. The latter particularly. What possible reason there can be for every man woman or child one meets on New Year's eve to be in an alarming state of excitement, is one of the many mysteries of this life. There is nothing very peculiar nor yet important in the fact that we are launched forth into a new year at the last stroke of twelve on the 31st of December. Yet some people think there is, and they get excited accordingly ! Some years ago an extraordinary incident was related to me. A family residing in the country were sitting up to " watch " the old year out and the new in. They were of course gathered around the fire, "chatting merrily." Qn the mantel¬ piece was a clock, on which, as the fingers neared the last hour of the year, all eyes were turned. After a silent pause of a few minutes, the clock struck twelve, and shortly afterwards the family retired to rest. In the morning the gentleman of the house discovered that the clock on the mantle-piece had stopped, and the strange part of the story is that it stopped the very second after it had struck twelve on the preceding night. There is to every oloud, be it ever so dark and heavy, a lining of silver sunshine, and likewise there are bright moments that flash across our lives, making us forget our sorrows in the fulness, of our joy. I paid a visit to the "Workhouse on Christmas day, and I don't remember ever having seen Happiness more happy, or Contentment more contended, than were exhibited there. The Holly bough showed itself at every turning. Festoons of evergreens hung gracefully from every ceiling. Children gamboled in the play-ground. Old men —who had had their swing of youth—.sat before blazing fires, and smoked the pipe of peace. In short, the scene was one of perfect happiness. Dinner was served up shortly after twelve o'clock, and consisted of roast beef and plum pudding—ad lib. I wish I had more time and space to relate at greater length how enjoyable a Christmas was spent by the inmates of our Union, and how much Mr. Mrs. and Miss Williams, contributed to make it so. The privileged movers in the world of Society are not always the most intellectual of people. A conversation I over-heard—quite accidently—the other day between two young Bohemians is worth repeating. It was something to the following effect:—" Seen Bright's reply to Carnarvon ?— rather a lame affair." " Just skimmed it; did you read Carnarvon's letter ?" " Well, really, no, too confoundedly long—'spose you read it ?" " Aw------n—o, rather long as you say. By the bye, bad state of things in Ireland, eh•?" " Beally don't take much interest in Irish affairs—what's Parnell up to now ?" " 'Pon my soul I don't know. Last I heard of him was that he was out in tho States." " Horrid fellow that—read Endytiuon ?" " Aw------what ?" " Beaconsfield's last." " Oh------ah—I understand, no ; rather dry, eh, three vols. I 'spose ?" " Really don't know—hate political works." " Same here—hate politics altogether. Ta.ta." I cannot help thinking that the Football team have acted somewhat foolishly—if not cowardly— in refusiug to re-play the 'Druids' at Buabon. They should have gone there at all risks, and if they are the superior team, they would have beaten the Cup-holders there as easily as any¬ where else out of Ruthin. Football is growing into something more than a game. It is growing into a neek-or-nothing, hacking and wrangling sort of business, which will very soon be looked upon with disgust by persons who have any regard for their lives and reputation.