The RUTHIN Illustrated Magazine. To Inform. To Instruct. To Amuse. No. 23. Yol. II. DECEMBER, 1880. TWO PENCE COMPLIMENTARY CONCERT. On the 28th of last month a Complimentary Concert was given to Misa Edwards, organist of 8t. Peter's Church, in the Assembly Room, Town Hall. Amongst those who gave their patronage to the entertainment were The Mayor ; Lieut. Col. T. Naylor Leyland, High Sheriff of Denbigh¬ shire ; Major Cornwallis West, Lord Lieut, of Denbighshire, and the Rev. the Warden of RDthiu. The room was filled to excess by a most fashionable audience. The first part of the programme was confined to sacred selections, and the second to secular. The beautiful solo " I cried unto thee " was exquisitely sung by Miss Lloyd, and we much regretted that the fair singer could not be prevailed upon—however detestable sncores are in some instances—to repeat her performance. The air from Mendelssohn's Elijah, " Ye people rend your hearts," was given with much effect by Mr. W. Williams, (of the St. Asaph Cathedral choir) who has a rare alto voice. " The War March of the Priests " Athalia, played by Mrs. Cunliffe and Miss L. Cunliffe, elicited warm applause from the more critical portion of the audience. " There is a green hill far away," sung by Miss Lloyd, and Handel's sublime chorus, " Hallelujah," rendered with great spirit by the United Clrior, brought the first part of the enter¬ tainment to a close. Miss Bancroft opened the second part with a pianoforte solo, '-Etude Caprice," and her masterly performance of the same fairly "brought down the house," for an encore she played, in a style equally as brilliant, a selection of Scotch Airs. Miss Lloyd followed with " Thady O'Elynn," and, in response to a loud encore, sang " Nobody cares for me " which was one of her best achievements. The pianoforte duet of Mrs. Cunliffe and Miss L. Cunliffe, " Overture to Gwilliam Tell," was played in a truly artistic manner, and was warmly applauded The trio "A little farm well till'd," Hook, sung by Messrs. Lloyd, Thomas, and Watkins, created considerable amusement, and had to be repeated. Mr. Tomkinson next sang " Napolitaine," by Lee, in faultless style, after which Miss Lloyd essayed a Welsh song,-' Y 'deryn pur," which she rendered with exquisite taste and feeling, and, in response to an enthusiastic encore, gave " Tell me why you always answer No". The trio, " Crows in a Cornfield," sung by Messrs. Tomkinson, Williams, and the Rev. W. Morton, drew great applause, and had to be repeated. The last item on the pro¬ gramme was " The Sailors' Chorus," which was most creditably rendered by the United Choir. Mr. Edward Humphreys conducted throughout, and he deserves to be complimented on the able manner in which he discharged his onerous duties. Mrs. Lloyd, Berth; the Rev. W. Morton, St. Asaph ; and Mr. Felix C. Watkins played the accompaniments. LLANFAIR D. C. NATIONAL SCHOOL. The Diocesan Inspector (Rev. Elias Owen) whose Report has just been received says as follows:—This large School passed ;% very good Examination. The tone and discipline are excellent. The following scholars, who excelled in their subjects, will receive Certificates from the St. Asaph Diocesan Board of Education:— INFANTS. Caroline P. Thomas. GROUP IV. Joseph Lloyd, Job Gore, William Jones, Thomas Jones, Anne Roberts, Evan Lh Jones, John Jonesi GROUP III. Margaret Jones, Mary Jones, John Harperi John Allen Jones, Jemima Evans, Hannah Davies, GROUP II. Mary Agnes Thomas, Thomas Gore, John Evans, David Davies. GROUP I. Kate Jones, Margaret Kellet, Ellen Lloyd, Jones, Ellis Williams. HONOUR CERTIFICATES. Fanny Gore, Kate Owen. COMMENDED. GROUP I. James Jonep. G ROUP H. Thomas Jones, Mary Jones, Shem Williams GROUP HI. Thomas Rowlands, Margaret Jones, Catherine Roberts, William R. Thorn if. GROUP IV. William Roberts. Mary E. Jones, Mary E., Alice Roberts.