azine. To Inform. To Instruct. To Amuse. Ho. 16. Vol. II. MAY, 1880. TWO PENCE, HOLY WELLS IN AND ABOUT THE VALE OF CLWYD. BY THE BEY. ELIA.S OWEK, M.A.. Ffyhon y Galchog. This w«ll is situated on the left hand side of the road that leads to Efenechtyd from Llanfwrog, and it is about a quarter of a mile from Llanfwrog Church. It has all the marks of antiquity about it. First of all, about fifty yards fr m the road, is a reservoir, at one corner of which, issues from the bowels of the hill a bubbling stream of water which escaping through an artificial aperture in the wall of the stone built bath, falls into a natural channel, and when it has proceeded for a few yards it separates into two streams, one of which leads to what formerly was another re ervoir, whilst the other goes on its way and tumbling over an impeding bank forms a pretty cascade, just below which both streams again unite, and merrily rush on their way until they tumble into a modern building which was built for the convenience of bathers and others by the late Mr. West of Ruthin Castle, door of this edifice the an outlet and disappears underneath the road. Such in description of the well and its waters, but to more minutely describe its present condition. The reservoir first mentioned measures one hundred inches, by one hundred and twenty inches. It is entered by six steps. Its height at present is about five feet. Tli6 walls are morter and stone built. The use of mortar would imply that the building is either somewhat modern, or what is more probable that the building was recently repaired. A part of the wall has given way. The sides are overgrown with ivy, and bramble, and fern and other plants. The bottom of the well is covered with mud, and decayed tree branches Two thriving large trees haTe taken root in the walls. The present aspect of things in and about the well point, notwith¬ standing that the walls are built with mortar, to an extreme old age. The walls are a yard thick. The steps into the well are worn, and beneath the water finds in a culvert short is the there is also about eighteen inches of mud. This appears to have been ancient Ffynon y Galchog. It was formerly fre¬ quented by persons troubled with rheumatism anil evidently it was used at one time as a bath. It is very probable that a second cistern was built to accommodate the numbers that resorted to these waters. The modern building which stands by the road side and which was thoughtfully erected by Mr. West, though now delapidated, is occasionally frequented in these days by persons suffering from sprains and rheumatism. The water falls into this building and hence the name, Pistyll y Galchog, and the ailing hold their wrist, or, as the ease maj be underneath the stream as long as they think necessary, and repeat the process daily. Upon visiting Galchog farm we were told the name of a mau who within the last four years was cured bj this cold water process. He came in the first instance in a conveyance from Ruthin but after a few days he was able to walk back and fore. Mj informant told me that in the winter the well smokes, she also praised the water as a beverage, but described it as hard. Before the town had its Water Workn this well supplied Llanfwrog d neighbourhood with sparkling pure water, and ffl have been informed of an old gentleman, now 11a more, who would not allow any water for drinking to be procured for his use anywhere but from Pistill y Galchog. His sense of taste was w acute that any attempted deception was immedi¬ ately detected, and the servant girl was called to account whenever she endeavoured to pass till water of any other well as that of Ffynon J Galchog, and she was instantly despatched to obtain the required quantity of water for the use of the old geutlemau ere he retired to rest. B may be added that he lived about half a mile from the well and one can imagine the reluctance & Sarah to undergo a journey thereto of a dark winters night. Let us hope she did not often take such a journey. (To be continued.)