The RUTHIN strated gazine. & mo&thlt mmmih for aia classes. To Inform. To Instruct. To Amuse. No. 8. Vol. 1. SEPTEMBER, 1879. TWO PENCE. ANCIENT CROSSES in the VALE OF CLWYD AND OTHER ECCLESIASTICAL REMAINS. BY THE REV. ELIAS OWEN, M.A. Derwen Cross. This cross is the most perfect churchyard cross in the Vale of Clwyd. It stands, opposite the porch,on the south side of the church The following is the description given thereof in the Rev. D. R. Thomas's History of the Diocese of St. Asaph :—" The churchyard cross, now much weather-worn, has on his four faces canopied niches with subjects carved in relief, to represent respectively the Crucifixion of our Lord, and Justice, Mercy, and Faith. The work belongs apparently to the twelfth or thirteenth century." There are two steps leading up to the pedestal, but the lower one has only a few of its stones remaining, and these are, for the most part, over¬ grown with grass. This step measures 88 inches by 99 ; its height is 8 inches ; breadth 12 inches. Thi second step measures 66 by 73 inches. It consists of large dressed stones several of which are in their original position. From these measurements it will be seen that the cross stands upon an oblong basement. The pedestal is a massive stone, 33 inches square at the base, and 28 inches high. Into this stone the shaft of the cross enters : it is 13 inches square at the base, but as it tapers upwards it is an octagonal oblong, and, underneath the cap stone, measures 11 by 9^ inches ; its height is 5ft. 7 inches. The smaller sides of the octagon which correspond with the angles of the base of the shaft, have thereon ornamentations, consisting of heads of men, flowers, and possibly animals. These are though so weather-worn that only a few of them can be distinguished. The capital of the shaft is also somewhat similarly embellished. At the top of the shaft is an oblong decorated cap, 8 feet high, by 1 ft. 1 in. broad. Its four faces bear sculptured figures and over each subject is an ornamented canopy. The whole of this part of the cross has suffered greatly from the weather, and parts of the carving have altogether disappeared. The west face represent the Crucifixion. On each side the cross is an erect figure. These may be the two Maries or the Virgin and St John. They are all much defaced. The North face contains a subject which seems to be an Angel with a scale in his left hand, and in the right a trumpet which he is in the act of blowing. A portion of the angel's wing is visible in the left hand corner of the compartment. Perhaps the subject is intended to depict the summoning of the human race to judgment, and if so, it is a very appropriate symbol for a churchyard. The east face is greatly worn, but three figures are still perceptible, one is seated, and the other two stand, one on each side the seated figure. It is impossible from the decayed state of the stone to discern anything more thau the bare outlines of the graving, and consequently it is difficult to say what the group was intended to represent. Possibly it was designed, as stated by Mr.Thomas, to personify Mercy. The north face has, like the east, suffered con¬ siderably from the destroying hand of time. It contains an image clothed apparently in a loose garment, but age has robbed it of its distinctive character, and there it stands a problem to be deciphered by the ingenious, or, by comparison with other similar remains. The shaft and cap are cut out of one block of hard free stone. The total height of the cross, including the pedestal and steps, is 12 ft. 7 inches It is a conspicuous object and arrests the attention of any one who enters the churchyard. The cross has departed from the perpendicular, and inclines a degree or two eastward. It does not however seem to be in any immediate danger of killing. (To be continued.)