The RUTHIN strated Magazine. & moEmhY mmmt for all classes, To Inform. To Instruct. To Amuse. No. 7. Vol. 1. AUGUST, 1879. TWO PENCE. ANCIENT CROSSES in the VALE OF CLWYD AND OTHER ECCLESIASTICAL REMAINS. BY THE REV. ELIAS OWEN, M.A. Iii this paper I will describe a few more or less mutilated crosses that have come under my notice, aud next month I hope to be able to give an account of Derwen cross which is the most perfect ancient churchvard cross in the Vale of Clwyd. Cwm Crucifix or Cross. There is no cross in the churchyard nor is there any remains of one to be discovered therein. The church, though, is old, and one would have expected to find, if not a cross, at least a portion of one in the precints of such a venerable edifice. When speaking to the vicar of the parish, and expressing disappointment at not finding a cross near his church, he said that there was a singular remains in his garden wall and that he found it there The Rev. J. Morris kindly accompanied me to the garden and there he pointed out to me a part of a crucifix or the head of a cross built into the garden wall. The remain consists of a slab of stone, broken at the top, and measuring 14 inches by 8 inches, and it is 3 inches thick. On this stone, in relief, is carved a figure of our Lord on the cross ; the stone itself forms the cross, the feet rest on a projection. The upper part of the stone has dis¬ appeared, as well as the arms of the cross, but sufficient remains of the left hand portion to shew, that when complete, the whole formed a pretty large crucifix. That part of the figure which still exists is in a very fair state of preservation. It seems that the two arms aud head were ruthlessly knocked off, but that the trunk was left uninjured, and that at some time or other it was built into the wall and thu3 preserved. Rhuddlan Cross. This cross stood on the south side of the church, For years, the shaft cut down to a convenient length, formed a sun¬ dial. It has however been taken out of its socket, and at present it lies near the foot of its former position, and its place is occupied by a really handsome and imposing cross lately erected as a memorial cross. The steps of the old cross are in their original position, and from these steps the sexton inform 3d me, parish notices of various kinds were formerly published by the parish clerk . The steps are well worn. Were it not that it was tin opinion of the late R^v. Longueville Jones who was so excellent an antiquary and so well versed with such remains as these now noticed I should feel inclined to think that the shaft of the sundial was not the shaft of the original cross, as its small dimensions somewhat militate against the probability of its being so. But it is a fact, though, that churchyard crosses were iu many cases cut down and utilised as sundials ; many such may still be seen. The dial stand at Cilcain, that at LlaiiSantffraid by Corwen, and that at Llauarmon by Ruthin, may be mantioned as instances. Bryn Eolwys Cross. All that remains of this cross is the pedestal. It consists of two layers, or steps of stone, the one placed upon the other, and it stands, as is often the case, on the south side near the west eud of the church. No inform¬ ation could be gained of the remaining part of this cross. Llanblidan Cross. As was mentioned in a former article, this cross was destroyed in the time of the living by an iconoclastic clergyman. It stood in a similar position to that of Bryn Eglwys. All that was saved of this cross was its stone slab pedestal, and that now forms the flag¬ stone on the top of the steps to that entrance of the churchyard which faces the village public house. It can easily be seen upon inspecting this stone that it is not in its original position, and also that its present use was not its original one. (To be continued.)