The RUTHIN Illustrated Magazine & JK0HTHLY J00RH&L FOR ALL CLASSES. To Inform. To Instruct. To Amuse. No. 5. Vol. 1. JUNE, 1879. TWO PENCE. ANCIENT CROSSES in the VALE OF CLWYD AMD OTHBR ECCLESIASTICAL REMAINS. BY THE REV. ELIAS OWEN, M.A. Dyserth Cross. This cross stands in the churchyard. There is a tradition that it was originally placed on the side of the hill, on which the ruins of an old castle are to be seen, to mark the spot where Eiuion fell. The place on tha hill where the cross once stood is now called Bryn yr Ysgol, evidently a modern name called after the school which is built at the foot of the Bryn on the road side, but the place was at one time called Bryn Eiuion; possibly after the name of the person to whose memory the cross was erected. The exact spot, where the cross origin¬ ally stood is probably unknown, but the inhabit¬ ants state that it was formerly on the hill side and that years ago it was brought from the upland where it was in danger of being destroyed to the churchyard where it has ever since remained in safety. This most likely was the case. The wisdom shewn in the removal of the cross from the wild uncultivated hill side to the churchyard is very apparent when we consider the large number of crosses that have disappeared from spots that still retain a name indicati ig that formerly crosses stood thereon, but which have long since been destro\-ed. This cross still exists and shews what kind of crosses were erected on the spot where the brave leader fell. Before describing the cross I will quote from the Rev. D. R. Thomas's History of the Diocese of St. Asaph the remarks which this gentleman makes in his History of the Cross. Mr. Thomas writes, speaking of Dyserth Churcjti:—" The cross in the churchyard is said to have been brought hither from Bryn Einion, where it was originally erected to mark the spot on which Einion son of Ririd Flaidd, was slain by an arrow during the siege of the Castle, A.D. 1261. It.has the sort of curious interlaced ornamentations *as Maen Achwynfan, in the neighbouring parish of Whit- ford, and once bore according ^to Gruffydd Hiraddug, the inscription:— Oc si petatur, lapis yste kansa notatur Eiuion oxi' Ririd Flaidd filing hoc meinoratur." Thus Mr. Thomas writes and local tradition corroborates what he says about the rem >val of the cross, but as to the inscription there is nothing to be seen in the form of letters on the stone at present. It does not follow though that there was no inscription thereon formerly. A large part of one side of the cross has peeled off and the above words might have been on that side, still possibly that side had only ornament¬ ations thereon similar to those on the other side and the inscription might have been at the base of the cross. The Riv. D. Jones, the vicar of the parish, informed me that a part of the cross, to the extent of 3 feet is in the ground, but that he does not recollect noticing any letters on that part when the cross a few years ago was taken up out of the ground. Nothing however from the present condition of the cross can be positively stated respecting the existence of the inscription. The probability is that Gruffydd Hiraddug was correct. The height of the cross as it now stands is 63 inches. It consists of a circular head with a kind of a Maltese cross cut thereon proceeding from a projecting circular lump in the centre of the head. This circular head measures in diameter 21 inches. It is ornamented with crosses and oblong cup marks which formed a border to the whole head of the cross, and it has also marks similar to cord line crossing on it, and at the openings of the arms of the Maltese cross ave trefoils. The shaft increases slightly in breadth throughout its entire length, and where it enters the ground it measures 12 inches across. The width of the shaft is about 4 inches. The ornamentation of the shaft may be described as interlaced rope ornamentations. Both sides had at one time ornamentations thereon, or perhaps the one that is now nude was lettered, but it s^ems, judging from the remains thereon, that this side was much like the other. When the Church was rebuilt the pedestal of a cross was found in a wall, with ornamentations thereon very similar to those on the shaft and head of the cross now described. The socket measures 12 inches by 6£ inches. The height is 18 inches. It is octagonal in form. It is however uncertain whether these two formerly belonged to each other, (To be continued.)