cyi / ~ cj h 1^4 The RUTHIN -**. ■*-£<<( Illustrated Magazine. A BffOHfTHLY J00RHAL FOR ALL CLA88E8. To Inform. To Instruct. To Amuse. No. 1. Vol. 1. FEBRUARY, 1879. TWO PENCE. TO OUR READERS. -*• IT is usual in the introduction of any literary venture to the public to preface the same with a few proloquial remarks, and, whilst disinclined to altogether ignore the rule, we are persuaded that great promises at the commencement of a new work rarely if ever terminate in a satisfactory fulfil¬ ment, and acting upon the truth of this, we are more inclined to say little, and endeavour to do much. It will be sufficient in our editorial capacity to give full assurance of our honest intention to provide for our readers an interesting and agreeable mental fare, with a strict avoidance of all objectionable matter, so as to render each Succeeding number of the Magazine a more welcome visitor in the family circle. One word more. Although the prospect is fairly bright before us, past experience of journalistic enterprise cannot help throwing a shadow on our hopes, and it is for this reason that in launching our first number upon the sea of public opinion we appeal to our readers for their hearty co-operation and support. The difficulties which we have to encounter are neither few nor trifling, but if you, Oh! kind reader, will only take us by the hand, the same success that has crowned the larger craft of the literary world will surely crown the humbler one that spreads its sail to-day ! THE » CREATION." Haydn's oratorio the " Creation " was given very successfully on the 24th of last month in the Assembly Room, Town Hall. Miss Agnes Larkcom, Mr. Harper Kearton, and Mr. T. Brandon sang the Solos, and the Ruthin Musical Union supplied the Chorus. Of the former it would be impossible to speak in terms too eulogistic, their intonation and style being perfeei. Perhaps the gem of the evening wag Miss Larkcom's rendering of " With verdure clad," which, in point of execution, was as fine as any¬ thing we have heard. In the Chorus many weaknesses were noticeable, prominently a reluct¬ ance on the part of the tenors to sing out to the extent they should have done. The bassos and sopranos did good work—principally the latter, who scored an advantage in having Miss Bulkeley Jones for their leader. On the whofe, however, the Chorus did its work very fairly. In the hands of Miss Bancroft (Pianoforte) and Major Casson (Harmonium) the instrumentation was without fault, and Miss Bancroft must be congratulated on the precision with which she played throughout the piece. A word of praise is due to Mr. Felix C. Watkins for the admirable manner in which he conducted. It is the intention of the Union, next year, to give a performance of Barnett's cantata the " Anoient Mariner."