Miscellaneous. $87 Mutual surprise ensued. For an instant, they instinctively crouched; but as quickly, finding concealment impracti¬ cable, took wing, leaving nine oval basins executed in that most lovely hyper-parian material, "the driven snow," by the momentary pressure of their compact, warm little bodies! If a gentle thaw followed, how must the nine mysterious moulds, standing in relief on the green field, have puzzled the natives ! Footmarks, when thus left, look strange enough, quite. Questions to find out a Person's Character. (From the mislaid MS., No. X. p. 466.) Question.—The greatest attraction you see in a man? Answer.—The attraction of gravitation. Q.—Ditto in a woman ? A.—The elective attraction. Q.—Which is your favorite picture ? A.—The inside of a table-spoon (Try). Q.—What employment would you choose ? A—Light porter; say Guinness', faute de Meux (& Co.'s entire.) Q.—Where do you like best to be ? A.—At—my ease. Q.—Which is your strong point ? A.—The point of my walking-stick (Try). Q.—Your favorite motto, proverb, or sentiment? A.—" In pretio Pretium nunc est." Q.— What position in Life do you prefer ? A.—That of Top- sawyer. Q.—Who is your favorite novelist? A.—Vincent Novello (Try his works). Q.—The accomplishment you most admire in a man ? A.—That of his projects. Q.— Ditto in a woman ? A.—That of her vows. Addenda. Q.—In what age could you wish to have lived ? A.—In a hermit-^?. Q.—How are you off for soap. A.—Hard up for soft soap. Q.—How are you off for coals ? A—I'm off to Booth's (Try). The Lexicon alluded to in page 510 turns out to be Parkhurst's. Compare Scott and Liddell's itfii.