58<5 Old Price's Remains. usually attendant on rarity. What is true of verbal curiosities also applies to facts. We all, probably, can recal some strange scene, such as, owing to the pecu¬ liarity of concurrent circumstances, we are never likely to see again! We treasure these, and well we may, as bright spots in the retrospect of a life often too monotonous (too many columns filled with "do., do.!") which these unique incidents help to diversify and relieve. Pages might be filled with illustrations of this iridescent element in the neutral tint of every-day existence, and they might be selected from every department of human observation and experience. Had memory served, I intended to insert an instance in each N°. I now select one for the special use of Field Naturalists, that class of my readers I fear most ill used by me, considering their claim upon me. "Nothing but Beroids!" "nothing but snails!" " nothing but crabs!" out of the one hundred and twenty species talked of in 1847 • Fie, Fie! 0. P. The less said the soonest mended. It's " ower mony masters, as the toad said under the harrow, when every tine gave him a tug." In school-days, when the Christmas vacation used to fur¬ nish " moving accidents by flood and field,"—to astonish Old Dick, and other men of Ross, Patrington, Wigan, or Lutterworth withal, during most of the " next half,"— in crossing from the higher fields of Nant-y-glyn to Wern- tynnau, I entered, suddenly and quietly, (the fresh snow being about four inches deep, and Rumbo and Major keeping well "to heel,") by a gateless gateway', which I see now like a sharp photogram, a down-sloping "frith" where, within twenty yards, stood a covey of nine partridges, more completely exposed to view than I ever saw those "brown birds," either before or after, except the tame ones stepping on my feet at Knowsley and Garthewyn.