Miscellaneous. 5^5 and carrying the flags; being confident, though I say it, that, if any thing, I should conquer, though he has lived, at "Slippery cum Sloppery," in Lincolnshire ever since,and .1 hardly ever see any thing in that line but a "bunch of Stints" in passing Mostyn Station, or those wary and weary Barnacles*, when naughty boys like Fr. or Ph. inĀ¬ veigle me at full moon to the Wild Marsh by Shotwick, for a little harmless homoeopathic practice at Wild Geese. Thus do I throw down at thee, Old John P., not my glove, but my sea boots. Thaw. When a severe frost breaks up rapidly, the caloric is abstracted from the atmosphere so fast, in the process of converting the ice into water, that it gets cooled again below 32 here and there, ai;d produces a sharp local and limited frost amid the surrounding thaw. On such occasions it is by no means uncommon, on a flagged footpath, where the water is oozing from the melting ice over a large surface, to see patches of spicular ice crystals, formed like islands in the midst of the wet stones. A slight declivity is favourable to this process, such as Duke Street, Liverpool, where I have seen it developed on a large scale; but I first noticed it in Trumpington Street, Cambridge, where one of the Darwins, (I rather think Erasmus) furnished me with the above simple explanation. A'lral; Xeyofieva. This name is given, in the slang of commentators, (probably a quotation from some " big-wig" of the craft,) to words or expressions occurring only once in the classics; a fact which invests them with the prestige * See Gerard's Herbal for the Tree and the Bird.