Graviora. 583 " It's Easy Talking."—£/</ Adage. To " good easy (or bad easy ?) men," who talk of " free grace," I would say, at parting, that " The grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, teaching us "—a somewhat stern lesson, in Titus ii, 11-14. Also— " work out your own salvation," [if it is your own, i.e., if you have it, as you certainly may,] with fear and tremb¬ ling," &c. Those who remain unchanged may believe a gospel of their own, but not His gospel who died that we should live no longer to ourselves. Look again at Galatians ii. 20; and "work, work, work," from life, as {{for life. MISCELLANEA LUDI. "Injuria fit duobus modis, vi et fraude." (Continued from No. XI, p. 527.) A screen of this kind is well called a "stalking-horse;" and, saving your honour's presence, my leeward-lurking land-louping cor-rzV-spondent, I think I could do a little business with it, up in those said "corries," in a quiet way, and not risk my precious limbs and more precious neck, they awfu' gaits—"Venator tenerae conjugis immemor." Many other dainty devices might be specified, as samples of the triumphs of " Homo sagax " over the goose and his congeners and cousins, "yrjvwv, v yepavav, r) tcv/cvcov SovXixpSetpwv." But I owe my readers a reminiscence of bygone days. An old fellow-fowler, and comrade in vari¬ ous other ways, (I trust, too, that we are, by the grace of God, fellow-pilgrims to the better country,) used to flatter himself that he was an adept in this craft; and, if I mis-