582 Old Prices Remains. ter at home, as that which arises for the truth's sake ? Query whether a drunkard or libertine in a family causes such deep uneasiness to the household as that member who,':by ^wakening to the absolute necessity of conversion, becomes a living reproof to the unconcerned Godlessness of the rest ? With every wish, therefore, to be practical, and to avoid controversial theology, here is one contro¬ versy which must not be declined. So I have pressed the need of this vital change in every NQ; giving a few fami¬ liar instances of the various subterfuges under which dif¬ ferent classes seek to avoid the arrows of an uneasy con¬ science, and persuade themselves that they are " all right" as they are. " Preach to others, but let us alone." But the Saviour testifies that neither class nor creed, neither advantages nor disadvantages, can set aside the undevia- ting requirement that they " be born again, not of corrup¬ tible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God which liveth and abideth for ever, * * * and this is the word which, by the gospel, is preached unto you."—I Peter i. 23—25. May those who would bring this "quick and powerful" sword of the Spirit down to the level of mere human writings weigh the above scripture seriously, along with Rev. xxii. 19 (before referred to N° V. p. 226). Whether they will hear or forbear, He means what He says. The Fingerpost. 1 John v. 20, 21.—One finger points upwards to the right hand of God, with the inscription— This is the True God and Eternal Life. The other points down to the world and the things that are in the world; and on it is written,—" Little children, keep yourselves from idols." Traveller, make your choice to-day and every day.