Graviora. 58 * rueful countenance, with your knees feeble and your hands hanging down?—(Heb. xii. 12.) O thank God that the question is not who are you f but what is He t. and take courage. Again, thank God and take,, courage, because, since I first bid you be of good cheer, you have been the subject of countless mercies, or you would not be reading these lines. Did you deserve those mercies? " No; you wish you had." If you wait till you do, before you thank God and take courage, you will be like the Rustic waiting for the stream to flow away before he will cross. Past sin renders such merit impossible ; and you keep adding the present sin of unbelief. Thank God that his merits who died—"the just for the unjust"—and not your's, are your plea. Take courage and dash through the Rubicon of doubts and difficulties, in the name of Him who ever liveth to "shew his hands and his side" on your behalf; and wave the banner of the cross—" In hoc signo vince," to others who are still struggling with perplexities like your own. Now, if ever, now and ever, thank God and take courage—a Dieu. The Controversy. Notwithstanding the startling number, the perplex¬ ing variety, and the shocking hostility of sects and parties, there are, after all, but two possible religions in the world. 1st—God's religion, which saves man in God's way. 2nd —Man's religion, which pretends to save man in his own or some other man's way. Hence arose the great original controversy which has lasted ever since. Cain slew Abel; Ishmael mocked at Isaac; St. Paul writes, "as then he that was born after the flesh persecuted him that was born after the Spirit, even so it is now." In our own time, what persecution so fierce abroad, what opposition so bit-