580 Old Prices Remains. (poor souls!) such better things against their unoffending persons without a shadow of evidence ! If not cured, liberasti animam tuam ; you will have done, your part Thank God and Take Courage. Look back on all your past troubles, and you will find, I think, that by far the greater part of them may be classed under two heads. I. Those into which you were brought by not "thanking God" (practically at least; see the general thanksgiving, Common prayer,) when it was well with you. 2. Those which you might have kept off by " taking courage," when difficulties arose. Well, you may say, that is sadly too true ; but there is no comfort in that thought; I hoped from the title of this article we were to find something cheering. And so you shall. It is very cheering, and very good news, that, though, when we prospered, we did not glorify the giver of all good in our lives as well as with our lips ; and though, in time of difficulty, we forgot that He is the strength of his people, and so fell into the grievous sin of despair, yet, after all, this lack of wisdom—this wicked folly—has not changed his character ; but in James, i. 5, "any of you" are invited to " ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not, and it shall be given to him—but—let him ask in faith, &c," read the rest attentively, for it qualifies every //^qualified promise of answers to prayer, and so does Psalm, xxxvi. 18. "If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me." Let me add, however, one word more. If your faith is very weak, yet ask in faith for faith; and that, "as sure as anything"—nay, perhaps surer than any other thing—shall be given to you. Are you still as I found you in July, a knight of the